The CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call 2024 is now open!


The CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call 2024 is now open until the 3rd of May 2024.

CELTIC-NEXT Calls are the perfect opportunity to enable projects in the field of next-generation communications for the digital society that contribute to a sustainable world. By applying and participating in any CELTIC-NEXT Calls, your organization can access national public funding for your R&D project as well as a large community sharing your interests.


As usual, CELTIC-NEXT will organise several events to help you to join the call with innovative proposals and in the construction of a consortium of international partners among RTO, industries, SMEs & start-ups and academia.

As for the previous Autumn call, a Launch Event and a Proposers’ Brokerage Day will be organised to present the cluster and its new call, the funding opportunities of the Public Authorities supporting the call and the topics of interest addressed. But also, the first steps to prepare your proposal will be detailed, such as creating a Proposal Portal account and using the Brokerage Tool to find partners, share ideas or find some.
These events are the perfect occasion for all to find potential partners consortium and to get the first feedback from the Public Authorities.



Spring Call 2024 Opening 13-Nov-2023
Launch Event Β  To come
Proposers Brokerage Day Β  To come
Deadline for Proposals 03-May-2024
Labels Notifications 07-Jun-2024


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