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Acronym | Title | Status | Call | Leaflet |
DAWN6G | Data integration of netWorks and applications for eNhanced management towards 6G | Set-up | 2024 | |
MULTIRACS | Multi-functional full-duplex radios for terrestrial and non-terrestrial communication and sensing | Set-up | 2024 | |
SUSTAINET | Sustainable Technologies for Advanced Resilient and Energy-Efficient Networks | Running | 2024 | |
6G-SMART | 6G Self Organising and Managing Open Radio Access Network | Running | 2023 | |
ATTACC | AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT | Set-up | 2023 | ATTACC leaflet |
MRS_AMG | Managing security and Safety Risk At Mass Gatherings | Set-up | 2023 | |
SafeRoute-6G | Road safety infrastructure and services evolution and enhancements towards 6G | Running | 2023 | |
Street5G | 5G on Streetlights | Set-up | 2023 | |
ADA | Remote Healthcare Monitoring powered by Network Intelligence and Automation | Running | 2023 | ADA leaflet |
COMET | Communications Enabled, AI/ML based Digital Twins for Smart city Logistics and Last Mile applications | Set-up | 2023 | |
IoDT2 | Internet of Digital Twin Things | Running | 2023 | IoDT2 leaflet |
RAI-6Green | Robust and AI Native 6G for Green Networks | Running | 2023 | |
CYPRESS | Cyber-Physical Resilient and Secure Systems | Running | 2023 | |
VERDO-6G | Video Enabled Real-time Drone Operations on 6G | Set-up | 2023 | |
5G4PHealth | Enhanced 5G-Powered Platform for Predictive Preventive Personalized and Participatory Healthcare | Running | 2023 | 5G4PHealth leaflet |
CISSAN | Collective intelligence supported by security aware nodes | Running | 2022 | CISSAN leaflet |
MECON | Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) over NTN for beyond 5G & 6G | Running | 2022 | MECON leaflet |
i2D-MSW | intelligence to Drive | Move-Save-Win | Set-up | 2022 | |
CANOPY | Cognitive and Automated Network Operations for Present and Beyond | Running | 2021 | CANOPY leaflet |
6G-SKY | 6G for Connected Sky | Running | 2021 | 6G-SKY leaflet |
AICom4Health | AI-Powered Communication for Health Crisis Management | Running | 2021 | AICom4Health leaflet |
COA-CFD | Cloud-based Online Access to Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations | Running | 2021 | COA-CFD leaflet |
F4iTECH | Federated AI Platform for Industrial Technologies | Running | 2021 | F4iTECH-leaflet |
USWA | Ultra Scalable Wireless Access | Running | 2021 | USWA leaflet |
ENTRY100GHz | Energy-Efficient Radio Systems at 100 GHz and beyond: Antennas, Transceivers and Waveforms | Running | 2020 | ENTRY100GHz leaflet |
iCare4NextG | Integrated care for next generation | Finished | 2020 | iCare4NextG-leaflet |
IMMINENCE | Intelligent Management of next generation MobIle NEtworks aNd serviCEs | Finished | 2020 | IMMINENCE leaflet |
smarTravel | Smart Travel Digital Ecosystem | Finished | 2020 | |
AI-NET | Accellerating digital transformation in Europe by Intelligent NETwork automation | Running | 2019 | AI-NET-ANIARA-leaflet |
Safe-Home | Security-aware fog-based efficient Home monitoring for elders | Finished | 2019 | Safe-Home leaflet |
PICCOLO | Piccolo: In-network compute for 5G services | Finished | 2019 | Piccolo leaflet |
IEoT | Intelligent Edge of Things | Finished | 2019 | IEoT leaflet |
AIMM | Artificial Intelligence-enabled Massive Multiple-input multiple-output | Finished | 2019 | AIMM leaflet |
A5GARD | Achieving 5G service Assurance in the Residential Domain | Finished | 2019 | A5GARD leaflet |
RIOT-ES | Resource-Efficient IoT-Edge Systems | Finished | 2019 | RIOT-ES leaflet |
DISTINGO | RECONFIGURABLE SMART LOCKERS - DISTributeurs INtelliGents recOnfigurables | Finished | 2018 | DISTINGO leaflet |
5G-SAFE-PLUS | 5G Enabled Road Safety Services | Finished | 2018 | 5G-SAFE-PLUS leaflet |
CRITISEC | Critical Infrastructure Security | Finished | 2018 | CRITISEC leaflet |
EMBRACE | Efficient Multi-Band netwoRk Architecture and Components for Petabit/s Elastic networks | Running | 2018 | EMBRACE leaflet |
AI4Green | Artificial Intelligence for Green networks | Finished | 2018 | AI4Greenleaflet |
UNICRINF | Universal Critical Infrastructures | Finished | 2017 | UNICRINF leaflet |
RELIANCE | Resilient and Scalable Slicing over Multiple Domains | Finished | 2017 | RELIANCE leaflet |
IoD | Internet of DevOps | Finished | 2017 | IoD leaflet |
Health^5G | Future eHealth powered by 5G | Finished | 2017 | Health^5G leaflet |
FU5ION | Future 5G service capable access and in-home networks | Finished | 2017 | FU5ION leaflet |
5G PERFECTA | 5G and next generation mobile Performance compliance testing assurance | Finished | 2017 | 5G-PERFECTA |
FIQARE | Future Intelligent Quality Assurance for Release Enhancement | Finished | 2017 | fiQARE leaflet |
FlexNet | Flexible IoT Networks for Value Creators | Finished | 2016 | FlexNet leaflet |
5GMEDE | 5G Mobile Edge Computing With Enriched Radio Network Information Services | Finished | 2016 | 5GMEDE leaflet |
SARWS | Real-time location-aware road weather services composed from multi-modal data | Finished | 2016 | SARWS leaflet |
H-OPTO | Maintenance and deployment of optical and in-home networks | Finished | 2016 | H-OPTO leaflet |
FRONT-VL | From empowering to Viable Living | Finished | 2016 | FRONT-VL leaflet |
CLOUDBOOK | A Cloud-aware distributed parallel compiler | Finished | 2016 | CLOUDBOOK leaflet |
MONALIS | Monitoring and control of QoE in large scale media distribution architecture | Finished | 2015 | MONALIS leaflet |
SENDATE | Secure Networking for a data center cloud in Europe | Finished | 2015 | |
MUSCLES | Mobile Ubiquitous Small Cells for Low-cost Energy and Spectrum efficient cloud service delivery | Finished | 2015 | MUSCLES leaflet |
ReICOvAir | Reliable Industrial Communication Over the Air | Finished | 2015 | ReICOvAir leaflet |
VIRTUOSE | Virtualized Video Services | Finished | 2015 | Virtuose leaflet |
WINS@HI | Wearable IoT Network Solution for Work Safety in Hazardous Industrial Environments | Finished | 2015 | CyberWI leaflet |
CyberWI | Cyber-security in the Wireless Industrial use cases | Finished | 2014 | CyberWIleaflet |
GOLD | Gigabits Over the Legacy Drop | Finished | 2014 | GOLD leaflet |
ODEON | On-demand Dynamic Media Cloud Creation and Exploitation | Finished | 2014 | ODEON leaflet |
ODSI | On Demand Secure Isolation | Finished | 2014 | ODSI leaflet |
SOOGREEN | Service-oriented optimization of Green mobile networks | Finished | 2014 | SooGREEN leaflet |
4KREPROSYS | 4K ultraHD TV wireless REmote PROduction SYStems | Finished | 2013 | 4KREPROSYS leaflet |
ACIO | Access Control In Organisations | Finished | 2013 | ACIO leaflet |
ASUA | Advanced Sensing for Urban Automation | Finished | 2013 | ASUA leaflet |
CONVINcE | Consumption OptimizatioN in VIdeo NEtworks | Finished | 2013 | CONVINcE leaflet |
E3 | E-health services Everywhere and for Everybody | Finished | 2013 | E3 leaflet |
MERCO | Mediated Effective Remote Collaboration | Finished | 2013 | MERCO leaflet |
UPSC | Unleash The Power of SIM | Finished | 2013 | UPSC leaflet |
ACEMIND | Advanced Convergent and Easily Manageable Innovative Network Design | Finished | 2012 | ACEMIND leaflet |
H2B2VS | HEVC Hybrid Broadcast Broadband Video Services | Finished | 2012 | H2B2VS leaflet |
HFCC_G_fast | Hybrid Fibre-Copper connectivity using | Finished | 2012 | HFCC_G_fast leaflet |
MITSU | Next generation Multimedia efficient, scalable and robust delivery | Finished | 2012 | MITSU leaflet |
SHARING | Self-organized Heterogeneous Advanced RadIo Networks Generation | Finished | 2012 | SHARING leaflet |
TILAS | Technology improvements for large scale smart cities deployments | Finished | 2012 | TILAS leaflet |
NOTTS | Next Generation Over-The-Top Multimedia Services | Finished | 2012 | NOTTS leaflet |
SIGMONA | SDN Concept in Generalized Mobile Network Architectures | Finished | 2012 | SIGMONA leaflet |
CoMoSeF | Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future | Finished | 2011 | CoMoSeF leaflet |
MAGICIAN | Semantic Based Intelligent Entertainment Activity Planner | Finished | 2011 | MAGICIAN leaflet |
MediaMap+ | Media Management from Acquisition to Publishing + | Finished | 2011 | MediaMap+ leaflet |
OPERA-Net2 | Optimising Power Efficiency in Mobile Radio Networks 2 | Finished | 2011 | OPERA-Net2 leaflet |
PISCES | Promoting Future Internet Solutions in Health Environments | Finished | 2011 | PISCES leaflet |
SASER overview | SASER - Safe and Secure European Routing | Finished | 2011 | |
SASER-SaveNet | SASER-SaveNet | Finished | 2011 | SASER-SaveNet leaflet |
SASER-Siegfried | SASER-Siegfried | Finished | 2011 | SASER-Siegfried leaflet |
SASER-ADVAntage-Net | SASER-ADVAntage-Net | Finished | 2011 | SASER-ADVAntage-Net leaflet |
SEED4C | Secured Embedded Element for Cloud | Finished | 2011 | SEED4C leaflet |
COMMUNE | Cognitive Network Management Under Uncertainty | Finished | 2010 | COMMUNE leaflet |
GREEN-T | Green Terminals for Next Generation Wireless Systems | Finished | 2010 | GREEN-T leaflet |
MACICO | Multi-agency cooperation in cross-border operations | Finished | 2010 | MACICO leaflet |
QUEEN | Quality of Experience Estimators in Networks – Service Delivery adaptation and optimization through Quality of Experience estimators | Finished | 2010 | QUEEN leaflet |
SAN | Survivable Ad Hoc Networks for 4.5G and beyond | Finished | 2010 | SAN leaflet |
CIER | Converged Infrastructure for Emerging Regions ConTel Service Convergence on Telecommunication systems | Finished | 2009 | CIER leaflet |
CRUMBS | Crumbs, Places and Augmented reality in Social Networks | Finished | 2009 | |
ENGINES | Enabling Next GeneratIon Networks for Broadcast Services | Finished | 2009 | |
EO-Net | Elastic Optical Network | Finished | 2009 | |
HIPERMED | High Performance Telemedicine platform | Finished | 2009 | HIPERMED leaflet |
HuSIMS | Human Situation Monitoring System | Finished | 2009 | |
IPNQSIS | IP Network Monitoring for Quality of Service Intelligent Support | Finished | 2009 | |
MEVICO | Mobile Networks Evolution for Individual Communications Experience | Finished | 2009 | |
SPECTRA | Spectrum and energy efficiency through multi-band Cognitive Radio | Finished | 2009 | |
UP-TO-US | User-Centric Personalized IPTV Ubiquitous and Secure Services | Finished | 2009 | |
4GBB | 4th Generation Broadband Systems AWARE Aggregation of WLAN Access Resources | Finished | 2008 | |
AWARE | Aggregation of WLAN Access Resources | Finished | 2008 | |
COMESI | Converged Multimedia communication Suite over IMS | Finished | 2008 | |
FT-PSC | Federated Testbed for Public Safety Communications | Finished | 2008 | |
GenesisX | Next Generation Services Extended | Finished | 2008 | |
GENIO | Next Generation Home | Finished | 2008 | |
HOMESNET | Home Base Station: An Emerging Network Paradigm | Finished | 2008 | |
KUSANAGI | Networked 3D Multimedia Gaming Platform | Finished | 2008 | |
MOTSWAN | Mobile TV Services Whatever Access Network | Finished | 2008 | |
R2D2 Networks | Road to media-aware user-Dependant self-adaptive Networks | Finished | 2008 | |
WiSafeCar | Wireless traffic Safety network between Cars | Finished | 2008 | |
Bugyo-Beyond | Building security assurance in open infrastructures, beyond | Finished | 2007 | |
CBDP | Context-based Digital Personality | Finished | 2007 | |
EW-2 | Easy Wireless 2 Feel@Home Full Extended Experience of Living at Home HNPS Heterogeneous network for European public safety | Finished | 2007 | |
Feel@Home | Full Extended Experience of Living at Home | Finished | 2007 | |
HNPS | Heterogeneous network for European public safety | Finished | 2007 | |
ICARUS | Distributed Wireless Networking Experimental Infrastructure for Optimization and Convergence | Finished | 2007 | |
MAGNETO | Management of the Outer Edge MARCH Multilink Architecture for Multiplay Services | Finished | 2007 | |
MARCH | Multilink Architecture for Multiplay Services | Finished | 2007 | |
MediaMap | New AudioVisual Indexed Media Platform and search engine for UGC enhancement | Finished | 2007 | |
MOBILIA | Mobility concepts for IMT-Advanced | Finished | 2007 | |
NETLAB | Use Cases for Interconnected Testbeds and Living Labs | Finished | 2007 | |
OPERA-Net | Optimising Power Efficiency in mobile RAdio Networks | Finished | 2007 | OPERA-Net leaflet |
RUBENS | Rethinking the Use of Broadband access for Experience-optimized Networks and Services | Finished | 2007 | |
SCALNET | Scalable Video Coding Impact on Networks | Finished | 2007 | |
SERVERY | Advanced Service Architecture and Service Delivery Environment | Finished | 2007 | |
TIGER2 | Together IP, GMPLS and Ethernet Reconsidered – II | Finished | 2007 | |
TRANS | Traffic-Aware Networks and Services | Finished | 2007 | |
WINNER+ | Wireless World Initiative New Radio | Finished | 2007 | |
XSPEED+ | High Performance XML Processing | Stopped | 2007 | |
100-GET | 100 Gigabit Ethernet Transport Technologies | Finished | 2006 | |
100-GET-AL | 100 Gigabit Ethernet Transport Technologies | Finished | 2006 | |
100-GET-E3 | 100 Gbit/s Carrier-Grade Ethernet Transport Technologies | Finished | 2006 | |
100-GET-ER | 100 Gbit/s Carrier-Grade Ethernet Transport Technologies | Finished | 2006 | |
100-GET-ES | 100 Gbit/s Carrier-Grade Ethernet Transport Technologies | Finished | 2006 | |
100-GET-METRO | Cost-optimized optical 100 Gbps transport technology for metro networks | Finished | 2006 | |
B21C | Broadcast for 21st Century | Finished | 2006 | |
DRMSolution-NG | SIM based OMA DRM v2.0 Services over IMS EnComPAs-2 Enabling Community Communications-Platforms and Applications phase 2 | Finished | 2006 | |
EnComPas2 | Enabling Community Communications-Platforms and Applications phase 2 | Finished | 2006 | |
GENESIS | Deployment of Next Generation Services HDVIPER High Definition Videoconferencing over IP Environment | Finished | 2006 | |
HDVIPER | High Definition Videoconferencing over IP Environment | Finished | 2006 | |
HERMES | IMS Platform for Fixed Networks LOOP Coexistence and Optimization for E-UTRAN and WLAN | Finished | 2006 | |
LOOP | Coexistence and Optimization for E-UTRAN and WLAN | Finished | 2006 | |
MANGO | Management Platform for Next Generation Optical Networks | Finished | 2006 | |
MCM | Mobile City Moments | Finished | 2006 | |
MyMobileWeb | Advanced technologies enabling multi-device mobile access to current and future web applications, services and information | Finished | 2006 | |
TRAMMS | Traffic Measurements and Models in Multi-Service networks | Finished | 2006 | |
AUTHONE | Autonomic Home Networking | Finished | 2005 | |
BANITS2 | Broadband Access Network Integrated Telecommunication System 2 | Finished | 2005 | |
BOSS | On Board Wireless Secured Video Surveillance | Finished | 2005 | |
CARLINK | Wireless Traffic Service Platform for Linking Cars | Finished | 2005 | |
MOVIES | MObile Video and InteractivE Services | Finished | 2005 | |
RED | REaction after Detection | Finished | 2005 | |
TIGER | Together IP, GMPLS and Ethernet Reconsidered | Finished | 2005 | |
BUGYO | Building security assurance in open infrastructures | Finished | 2004 | |
DEHIGATE | Deployable high capacity gateway for emergency services | Finished | 2004 | |
FIDELITY | Federated identity management based on liberty | Finished | 2004 | |
GANDALF | Monitoring and self-tuning of RRM parameters in a multi-system network | Finished | 2004 | |
OPTRONET | Optimized transponders for robust optical networks | Finished | 2004 | |
PABIOS | P4P application based open source | Finished | 2004 | |
SEIMONET | Secure interworking of mobile & wireless networks | Finished | 2004 | |
VIDIOS | Video distribution over MPLS networks supporting heterogeneous format environments | Finished | 2004 | |
WING-TV | Services to wireless, integrated, nomadic, GPRS-UMTS & TV, handheld terminals | Finished | 2004 | |
WISQUAS | Wireless systems providing high quality services | Finished | 2004 | |
ADPO | Personalised Adaptive Portals Framework | Finished | 2003 | |
BANITS | Broadband Access Networks Integrated Telecommunication System | Finished | 2003 | |
DB | Wireless Festival | Finished | 2003 | |
DESYME | Development System for Mobile Services | Finished | 2003 | |
DRM Solution | A SIM based OMA DRM v2 Platform | Finished | 2003 | |
ECOSYS | techno-ECOnomics of integrated communication SYStems and services | Finished | 2003 | |
ENCOMPAS | Enabling Community Communications-Platforms and Applications | Finished | 2003 | |
FIRM | Field trial with Integrated ROADMs and GMPLS compliance | Finished | 2003 | |
IMAGES | Integrated Multiservice Architectures for next GEneration Services | Finished | 2003 | |
IMPULSE | Integrated Multimodal Platform for Ubiquitous multimedia service execution | Finished | 2003 | |
MACS | Multimedia Communication Service | Finished | 2003 | |
MADEIRA | Network Management based on distributed paradigms | Finished | 2003 | |
PROMISE | Provisioning and monitoring of optical services | Finished | 2003 | |
QUAR2 | Quality of Real Time Applications End-to-End over Heterogeneous Domains | Finished | 2003 | |
TIFANIS | Tele-Immersion For Applications supporting New Interactive Services | Finished | 2003 |