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CARESPACECommon Data Space for Enhanced Elderly CareSet-up2024
DAWN6GData integration of networks and applications for enhanced management towards 6GSet-up2024
MULTIRACSMulti-functional full-duplex radios for terrestrial and non-terrestrial communication and sensingSet-up2024
SUSTAINETSustainable Technologies for Advanced Resilient and Energy-Efficient NetworksRunning2024
6G-SMART6G Self Organising and Managing Open Radio Access NetworkRunning2023
ATTACCAuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoTSet-up2023ATTACC leaflet
MRS_AMGManaging security and Safety Risk At Mass GatheringsSet-up2023
SafeRoute-6GRoad safety infrastructure and services evolution and enhancements towards 6GRunning2023
Street5G5G on StreetlightsSet-up2023
ADARemote Healthcare Monitoring powered by Network Intelligence and AutomationRunning2023ADA leaflet
COMETCommunications Enabled, AI/ML based Digital Twins for Smart city Logistics and Last Mile applicationsSet-up2023
IoDT2Internet of Digital Twin ThingsRunning2023IoDT2 leaflet
RAI-6GreenRobust and AI Native 6G for Green NetworksRunning2023
CYPRESSCyber-Physical Resilient and Secure SystemsRunning2023
VERDO-6GVideo Enabled Real-time Drone Operations on 6GSet-up2023
5G4PHealthEnhanced 5G-Powered Platform for Predictive Preventive Personalized and Participatory HealthcareRunning20235G4PHealth leaflet
CISSANCollective intelligence supported by security aware nodesRunning2022CISSAN leaflet
MECONMulti-Access Edge Computing (MEC) over NTN for beyond 5G & 6GRunning2022MECON leaflet
i2D-MSWintelligence to Drive | Move-Save-WinSet-up2022
CANOPYCognitive and Automated Network Operations for Present and BeyondRunning2021CANOPY leaflet
6G-SKY6G for Connected SkyRunning20216G-SKY leaflet
AICom4HealthAI-Powered Communication for Health Crisis ManagementRunning2021AICom4Health leaflet
COA-CFDCloud-based Online Access to Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations Running2021COA-CFD leaflet
F4iTECHFederated AI Platform for Industrial TechnologiesRunning2021F4iTECH-leaflet
USWAUltra Scalable Wireless AccessRunning2021USWA leaflet
ENTRY100GHzEnergy-Efficient Radio Systems at 100 GHz and beyond: Antennas, Transceivers and WaveformsRunning2020ENTRY100GHz leaflet
iCare4NextGIntegrated care for next generationFinished2020iCare4NextG-leaflet
IMMINENCEIntelligent Management of next generation MobIle NEtworks aNd serviCEsFinished2020IMMINENCE leaflet
smarTravelSmart Travel Digital EcosystemFinished2020
AI-NETAccellerating digital transformation in Europe by Intelligent NETwork automationRunning2019AI-NET-ANIARA-leaflet


Safe-HomeSecurity-aware fog-based efficient Home monitoring for eldersFinished2019Safe-Home leaflet
PICCOLOPiccolo: In-network compute for 5G servicesFinished2019Piccolo leaflet
IEoTIntelligent Edge of ThingsFinished2019IEoT leaflet
AIMMArtificial Intelligence-enabled Massive Multiple-input multiple-outputFinished2019AIMM leaflet
A5GARDAchieving 5G service Assurance in the Residential DomainFinished2019A5GARD leaflet
RIOT-ESResource-Efficient IoT-Edge SystemsFinished2019RIOT-ES leaflet
DISTINGORECONFIGURABLE SMART LOCKERS - DISTributeurs INtelliGents recOnfigurablesFinished2018DISTINGO leaflet
5G-SAFE-PLUS5G Enabled Road Safety Services Finished20185G-SAFE-PLUS leaflet
CRITISECCritical Infrastructure SecurityFinished2018CRITISEC leaflet
EMBRACEEfficient Multi-Band netwoRk Architecture and Components for Petabit/s Elastic networksRunning2018EMBRACE leaflet
AI4GreenArtificial Intelligence for Green networksFinished2018AI4Greenleaflet
UNICRINFUniversal Critical InfrastructuresFinished2017UNICRINF leaflet
RELIANCEResilient and Scalable Slicing over Multiple DomainsFinished2017RELIANCE leaflet
IoDInternet of DevOpsFinished2017IoD leaflet
Health^5GFuture eHealth powered by 5GFinished2017Health^5G leaflet
FU5IONFuture 5G service capable access and in-home networksFinished2017FU5ION leaflet
5G PERFECTA5G and next generation mobile Performance compliance testing assurance Finished20175G-PERFECTA
FIQAREFuture Intelligent Quality Assurance for Release EnhancementFinished2017fiQARE leaflet
FlexNetFlexible IoT Networks for Value CreatorsFinished2016FlexNet leaflet
5GMEDE5G Mobile Edge Computing With Enriched Radio Network Information ServicesFinished20165GMEDE leaflet
SARWSReal-time location-aware road weather services composed from multi-modal dataFinished2016SARWS leaflet
H-OPTOMaintenance and deployment of optical and in-home networksFinished2016H-OPTO leaflet
FRONT-VLFrom empowering to Viable LivingFinished2016FRONT-VL leaflet
CLOUDBOOKA Cloud-aware distributed parallel compilerFinished2016CLOUDBOOK leaflet
MONALISMonitoring and control of QoE in large scale media distribution architectureFinished2015MONALIS leaflet
SENDATESecure Networking for a data center cloud in EuropeFinished2015
MUSCLESMobile Ubiquitous Small Cells for Low-cost Energy and Spectrum efficient cloud service deliveryFinished2015MUSCLES leaflet
ReICOvAirReliable Industrial Communication Over the AirFinished2015ReICOvAir leaflet
VIRTUOSEVirtualized Video ServicesFinished2015Virtuose leaflet
WINS@HIWearable IoT Network Solution for Work Safety in Hazardous Industrial EnvironmentsFinished2015CyberWI leaflet
CyberWICyber-security in the Wireless Industrial use casesFinished2014CyberWIleaflet
GOLDGigabits Over the Legacy DropFinished2014GOLD leaflet
ODEONOn-demand Dynamic Media Cloud Creation and ExploitationFinished2014ODEON leaflet
ODSIOn Demand Secure IsolationFinished2014ODSI leaflet
SOOGREENService-oriented optimization of Green mobile networksFinished2014SooGREEN leaflet
4KREPROSYS4K ultraHD TV wireless REmote PROduction SYStemsFinished20134KREPROSYS leaflet
ACIOAccess Control In OrganisationsFinished2013ACIO leaflet
ASUAAdvanced Sensing for Urban AutomationFinished2013ASUA leaflet
CONVINcEConsumption OptimizatioN in VIdeo NEtworksFinished2013CONVINcE leaflet
E3E-health services Everywhere and for EverybodyFinished2013E3 leaflet
MERCOMediated Effective Remote CollaborationFinished2013MERCO leaflet
UPSCUnleash The Power of SIMFinished2013UPSC leaflet
ACEMINDAdvanced Convergent and Easily Manageable Innovative Network DesignFinished2012ACEMIND leaflet
H2B2VSHEVC Hybrid Broadcast Broadband Video ServicesFinished2012H2B2VS leaflet
HFCC_G_fastHybrid Fibre-Copper connectivity using G.fastFinished2012HFCC_G_fast leaflet
MITSUNext generation Multimedia efficient, scalable and robust deliveryFinished2012MITSU leaflet
SHARINGSelf-organized Heterogeneous Advanced RadIo Networks GenerationFinished2012SHARING leaflet
TILASTechnology improvements for large scale smart cities deploymentsFinished2012TILAS leaflet
NOTTSNext Generation Over-The-Top Multimedia ServicesFinished2012NOTTS leaflet
SIGMONASDN Concept in Generalized Mobile Network ArchitecturesFinished2012SIGMONA leaflet
CoMoSeFCo-operative Mobility Services of the FutureFinished2011CoMoSeF leaflet
MAGICIANSemantic Based Intelligent Entertainment Activity PlannerFinished2011MAGICIAN leaflet
MediaMap+Media Management from Acquisition to Publishing +Finished2011MediaMap+ leaflet
OPERA-Net2Optimising Power Efficiency in Mobile Radio Networks 2Finished2011OPERA-Net2 leaflet
PISCESPromoting Future Internet Solutions in Health EnvironmentsFinished2011PISCES leaflet
SASER overviewSASER - Safe and Secure European RoutingFinished2011
SASER-SaveNetSASER-SaveNetFinished2011SASER-SaveNet leaflet
SASER-SiegfriedSASER-SiegfriedFinished2011SASER-Siegfried leaflet
SASER-ADVAntage-NetSASER-ADVAntage-NetFinished2011SASER-ADVAntage-Net leaflet
SEED4CSecured Embedded Element for CloudFinished2011SEED4C leaflet
COMMUNECognitive Network Management Under UncertaintyFinished2010COMMUNE leaflet
GREEN-TGreen Terminals for Next Generation Wireless SystemsFinished2010GREEN-T leaflet
MACICOMulti-agency cooperation in cross-border operationsFinished2010MACICO leaflet
QUEENQuality of Experience Estimators in Networks – Service Delivery adaptation and optimization through Quality of Experience estimatorsFinished2010QUEEN leaflet
SANSurvivable Ad Hoc Networks for 4.5G and beyondFinished2010SAN leaflet
CIERConverged Infrastructure for Emerging Regions ConTel Service Convergence on Telecommunication systemsFinished2009CIER leaflet
CRUMBSCrumbs, Places and Augmented reality in Social NetworksFinished2009
ENGINESEnabling Next GeneratIon Networks for Broadcast ServicesFinished2009
EO-NetElastic Optical NetworkFinished2009
HIPERMEDHigh Performance Telemedicine platformFinished2009HIPERMED leaflet
HuSIMSHuman Situation Monitoring SystemFinished2009
IPNQSISIP Network Monitoring for Quality of Service Intelligent SupportFinished2009
MEVICOMobile Networks Evolution for Individual Communications ExperienceFinished2009
SPECTRASpectrum and energy efficiency through multi-band Cognitive RadioFinished2009
UP-TO-USUser-Centric Personalized IPTV Ubiquitous and Secure ServicesFinished2009
4GBB4th Generation Broadband Systems AWARE Aggregation of WLAN Access ResourcesFinished2008
AWAREAggregation of WLAN Access ResourcesFinished2008
COMESIConverged Multimedia communication Suite over IMSFinished2008
FT-PSCFederated Testbed for Public Safety CommunicationsFinished2008
GenesisXNext Generation Services ExtendedFinished2008
GENIONext Generation HomeFinished2008
HOMESNETHome Base Station: An Emerging Network ParadigmFinished2008
KUSANAGINetworked 3D Multimedia Gaming PlatformFinished2008
MOTSWANMobile TV Services Whatever Access NetworkFinished2008
R2D2 NetworksRoad to media-aware user-Dependant self-adaptive NetworksFinished2008
WiSafeCarWireless traffic Safety network between CarsFinished2008
Bugyo-BeyondBuilding security assurance in open infrastructures, beyondFinished2007
CBDPContext-based Digital PersonalityFinished2007
EW-2Easy Wireless 2 Feel@Home Full Extended Experience of Living at Home HNPS Heterogeneous network for European public safetyFinished2007
Feel@HomeFull Extended Experience of Living at HomeFinished2007
HNPSHeterogeneous network for European public safetyFinished2007
ICARUSDistributed Wireless Networking Experimental Infrastructure for Optimization and ConvergenceFinished2007
MAGNETOManagement of the Outer Edge MARCH Multilink Architecture for Multiplay ServicesFinished2007
MARCHMultilink Architecture for Multiplay ServicesFinished2007
MediaMapNew AudioVisual Indexed Media Platform and search engine for UGC enhancementFinished2007
MOBILIAMobility concepts for IMT-AdvancedFinished2007
NETLABUse Cases for Interconnected Testbeds and Living LabsFinished2007
OPERA-NetOptimising Power Efficiency in mobile RAdio NetworksFinished2007OPERA-Net leaflet
RUBENSRethinking the Use of Broadband access for Experience-optimized Networks and ServicesFinished2007
SCALNETScalable Video Coding Impact on NetworksFinished2007
SERVERYAdvanced Service Architecture and Service Delivery EnvironmentFinished2007
TIGER2Together IP, GMPLS and Ethernet Reconsidered – IIFinished2007
TRANSTraffic-Aware Networks and ServicesFinished2007
WINNER+Wireless World Initiative New RadioFinished2007
XSPEED+High Performance XML ProcessingStopped2007
100-GET100 Gigabit Ethernet Transport TechnologiesFinished2006
100-GET-AL100 Gigabit Ethernet Transport TechnologiesFinished2006
100-GET-E3100 Gbit/s Carrier-Grade Ethernet Transport TechnologiesFinished2006
100-GET-ER100 Gbit/s Carrier-Grade Ethernet Transport TechnologiesFinished2006
100-GET-ES100 Gbit/s Carrier-Grade Ethernet Transport TechnologiesFinished2006
100-GET-METROCost-optimized optical 100 Gbps transport technology for metro networksFinished2006
B21CBroadcast for 21st CenturyFinished2006
DRMSolution-NGSIM based OMA DRM v2.0 Services over IMS EnComPAs-2 Enabling Community Communications-Platforms and Applications phase 2Finished2006
EnComPas2Enabling Community Communications-Platforms and Applications phase 2Finished2006
GENESISDeployment of Next Generation Services HDVIPER High Definition Videoconferencing over IP EnvironmentFinished2006
HDVIPERHigh Definition Videoconferencing over IP EnvironmentFinished2006
HERMESIMS Platform for Fixed Networks LOOP Coexistence and Optimization for E-UTRAN and WLANFinished2006
LOOPCoexistence and Optimization for E-UTRAN and WLANFinished2006
MANGOManagement Platform for Next Generation Optical NetworksFinished2006
MCMMobile City MomentsFinished2006
MyMobileWebAdvanced technologies enabling multi-device mobile access to current and future web applications, services and informationFinished2006
TRAMMSTraffic Measurements and Models in Multi-Service networksFinished2006
AUTHONEAutonomic Home NetworkingFinished2005
BANITS2Broadband Access Network Integrated Telecommunication System 2Finished2005
BOSSOn Board Wireless Secured Video SurveillanceFinished2005
CARLINKWireless Traffic Service Platform for Linking CarsFinished2005
MOVIESMObile Video and InteractivE ServicesFinished2005
REDREaction after DetectionFinished2005
TIGERTogether IP, GMPLS and Ethernet ReconsideredFinished2005
BUGYOBuilding security assurance in open infrastructuresFinished2004
DEHIGATEDeployable high capacity gateway for emergency servicesFinished2004
FIDELITYFederated identity management based on libertyFinished2004
GANDALFMonitoring and self-tuning of RRM parameters in a multi-system networkFinished2004
OPTRONETOptimized transponders for robust optical networksFinished2004
PABIOSP4P application based open sourceFinished2004
SEIMONETSecure interworking of mobile & wireless networksFinished2004
VIDIOSVideo distribution over MPLS networks supporting heterogeneous format environmentsFinished2004
WING-TVServices to wireless, integrated, nomadic, GPRS-UMTS & TV, handheld terminalsFinished2004
WISQUASWireless systems providing high quality servicesFinished2004
ADPOPersonalised Adaptive Portals FrameworkFinished2003
BANITSBroadband Access Networks Integrated Telecommunication SystemFinished2003
DBWireless FestivalFinished2003
DESYMEDevelopment System for Mobile ServicesFinished2003
DRM SolutionA SIM based OMA DRM v2 PlatformFinished2003
ECOSYStechno-ECOnomics of integrated communication SYStems and servicesFinished2003
ENCOMPASEnabling Community Communications-Platforms and ApplicationsFinished2003
FIRMField trial with Integrated ROADMs and GMPLS complianceFinished2003
IMAGESIntegrated Multiservice Architectures for next GEneration ServicesFinished2003
IMPULSEIntegrated Multimodal Platform for Ubiquitous multimedia service executionFinished2003
MACSMultimedia Communication ServiceFinished2003
MADEIRANetwork Management based on distributed paradigmsFinished2003
PROMISEProvisioning and monitoring of optical servicesFinished2003
QUAR2Quality of Real Time Applications End-to-End over Heterogeneous DomainsFinished2003
TIFANISTele-Immersion For Applications supporting New Interactive ServicesFinished2003
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