First Name (required)

    Family Name (required)

    Company/Organisation (required)

    Country (required)

    Email (required)


    I would like to present a proposal/project idea during the Pitching Session
    (By choosing YES, you agree that your presentation, including your contact details, will be shown to the participants during the Proposers' Brokerage Day session and put online on the CELTIC Web site.): 

    If YES, please specify the title (and details, if available):

    Presentations are limited to 6 minutes and your contact details and presentation will be shown to participants. Deadline to send out Pitch Presentations is the 14th of February 2025 to
    Please use the following Pitch presentation template.

    I would like to expose my proposal/project idea on a Poster to be exposed in Barcelona during the event (free of charge - printing and delivery by the CELTIC Office):

    Posters will be printed and brought to the event by the Office in Barcelona if the templates are valid and received the latest by the 14th of February 2025 by 5pm CET to
    Please use the following Poster template.

    I would like to get regular information about CELTIC-NEXT Events & Calls by subscribing to the CELTIC-NEXT newsletter. (optional)


    Contact Us

    We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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