Expertise Offerings:
Innovative Solutions in Advanced ICT with AI Integration, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
Company Name: Marwen
Expertise offered:
MARWEN specalizes in engineering, consulting, and verification in the energy and technology sectors. MARWEN offers its expertise to drive research and development of innovative solutions in key areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and information and communication technologies (ICT), with a focus on artificial intelligence and advanced programming. Areas of expertise: -Energy Efficiency -ICT Solutions and Software -Renewable Energy -Artificial Intelligence and Programming MARWEN seeks to collaborate with organizations looking to revolutionize the renewable energy and ICT sectors. Together, we aim to push the boundaries of technology, accelerate the global energy transition, and create a sustainable future powered by[...]
Imec is an RD hub for nano- and digital technologies
Company Name: IMEC
Expertise offered:
At imec, we shape the future. How? By enabling nano- and digital technology innovation with a significant impact on the quality of life. With our partners from companies, governments and academia. And supported by the three pillars of our R&D: a unique infrastructure that includes a 2.5-billion-euro 300mm semiconductor pilot line more than 5,000 expert scientists from over 95 countries an ecosystem of more than 600 world-leading industry partners and a global academic network
Cyber-Security expert in Smart Grid Systems, IoT Network and LoRaWAN
Company Name: Chalmers University of Technology
Expertise offered:
Dr. Butun received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Hacettepe University, his second M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of South Florida. He worked as an Assistant Professor in years between 2015 and 2016. Since 2017, he has been working as a post-doctoral fellow for various universities (University of Delaware, Mid Sweden University, Chalmers University of Technology). He has more than 42 publications in peer-reviewed scientific international journals and conference proceedings, along with an H-index of 15. He is a well-recognized academic reviewer by IEEE, ACM, and Springer. He is an[...]