Proposal Ideas:

Internet Based Real-time Teleoperation of Robots

Objective of Proposal Idea:
With the rapid advancement of internet technology, it is increasingly feasible to utilize the internet for the remote operation of robotic systems that require high real-time performance, such as remote driving and tele-surgery, under normal internet conditions. Given the substantial demand for such services, it is likely to become a standard service provided by network providers in the future. Nevertheless, there remains a potential for significant issues or even disasters to arise in the event of unforeseen disruptions in internet connectivity or significant network condition degradation. This project aims to bridge the gap between the internet and robotic systems, ensuring[...]



Objective of Proposal Idea:
The recent COVID-19 pandemic across the globe affected our lives in many ways, hit economies, healthcare systems, education, work-life. It caused manufacturing organizations to suffer many significant operational challenges, obligatory shutdowns due to government restrictions or falling demand, the risk to spread the virus among all workers without sufficient precautions. All manufacturing facilities had to develop plans for continuing operations in the setting of COVID-19 occurring among workers or in the surrounding community. Briefly, project idea has emerged after COVID-19 and it is basically a prevention and monitoring system in production facilities.


AI and Robotics for Quality and Risk Management in Industrial Harsh Conditions

Objective of Proposal Idea:
This project is based on the perceived potential of the use of robotics in harsh conditions through the utilization of AI, next generation wireless sensors (IoT platform), wireless networks (5G), image analysis, and autonomous robotics. The possibility of using drones and mobile robotics in monitoring/inspection has been sparking the interest in the R&D field, especially in industrial harsh conditions. However as per recent research of drones in harsh conditions of mines, the main challenges drones face in harsh conditions are GPS-denied environment, lack of wireless signal, confined space issues, and high concentration of dust and toxic gases. Hence this project[...]


Expertise Offerings:

Compute Continuum (edge, cloud) Robotic Applications

Company Name: ZHAW

Expertise offered:
he DSY group at ZHAW is specialized in cloud robotics leveraging compute on robots/edge/cloud to build AI-enabled robotic applications. Our team has successfully integrated AI and robotics in several applied domains with cloud-specific tech (e.g., K8S). Some examples We can contribute use cases in the emergency, precision agriculture, and generic mobile manipulation domains. We are based in Zurich. Contact:


Innovative Solutions in Advanced ICT with AI Integration, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

Company Name: Marwen

Expertise offered:
MARWEN specalizes in engineering, consulting, and verification in the energy and technology sectors. MARWEN offers its expertise to drive research and development of innovative solutions in key areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and information and communication technologies (ICT), with a focus on artificial intelligence and advanced programming. Areas of expertise: -Energy Efficiency -ICT Solutions and Software -Renewable Energy -Artificial Intelligence and Programming MARWEN seeks to collaborate with organizations looking to revolutionize the renewable energy and ICT sectors. Together, we aim to push the boundaries of technology, accelerate the global energy transition, and create a sustainable future powered by[...]


AI-driven service and network orchestration in the edge/cloud continuum

Company Name: Nearby Computing S.L.

Expertise offered:
Nearby Computing is an SME located in Barcelona, Spain with extensive experience in national and EC-funded projects (HORIZON/H2020 RIA/IA, MSCA, UNICO-5G). Our main expertise is on Edge/Cloud orchestration of cloud-native applications (AR/XR, AI, etc.) and network (e.g., 5G core) services. We have also experience in zero-touch orchestration, with monitoring tools for data collection, MLOps, advanced AI methods and explainable AI techniques. We can reach very high TRLs with our market-released product, the NearbyOne edge orchestrator. Summary of areas of expertise: - Advanced AI/XAI methods for workload and energy prediction in edge/cloud infrastructures - Service-based architectures for zero-touch orchestration (design and[...]


Electronics Digita twin Design Partner

Company Name: logiicdev

Expertise offered:
Austrian-based high-tech SME company is working on AI-based test equipment for batteries, Photonics, and IoT. We have competencies & expertise in the Development & production of electronic products, Hardware and software development Battery and charging technology, and Industrial electronics. We have a strong team of PE, FPGA, SW, and FW engineers. Areas of interest are power electronics,Big Data, digital twins, AI, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, digitisation, Smart Transportation, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security. We have a wide experience participating in joint projects.


IoT, Smart Sensors, AI, Data, AR/VR | Project Researcher

Company Name: Lider Teknoloji Gelistirme

Expertise offered:
Looking for an experienced and innovative technology partner for your energy R&D project? Look no further than our team of expert project managers, developers, and researchers at LTG. With extensive knowledge in IoT, smart sensors, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, and data storage, we have the skills and expertise to help you achieve your energy-related research goals. Our team is passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and exploring new ways to drive progress and innovation in the energy sector. Whether you need assistance with developing new technologies, optimizing existing systems, or analyzing data, we have the expertise and tools necessary to[...]


IP networking (radio: 5G and 6G, core: Network services chain, SDN, AI and DLT in network management) and Applications (Internet of Things, Smart Cities, multimedia) for the Future Internet as well as cybersecurity in networks.

Company Name: Warsaw University of Technology

Expertise offered:
Jordi Mongay Batalla (MSc by Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain; PhD and DSc by Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. ORCID: 0000-0002-1489-5138) worked in Centro Nazionale di Astrofisica in Bologna-Italy, Telcordia Poland, an Ericsson Co. -Poland, and in Seidor ICT S.A. -Spain. He is now with National Institute of Telecommunications, one of the largest R&D institutions in Poland, where he is the Deputy Director of Research. He is also an Associate Professor at Warsaw University of Technology,. His research interest focuses on IP networking (radio: 5G and 6G, core: Network services chain, SDN, AI and DLT in network management) and Applications (Internet[...]


Through its i2D Research Telematics Platform, Livedrive focuses in Behavioral | Cultural area related to cars, gathering expertise in mechanical engineering, energy, software, IoT, electronics | comms, socioeconomic cultural behaviours, mobility, security

Company Name: Livedrive Ltd

Expertise offered:
Driving Scores: developed methodologies and hundreds of algorithms that today are the core tech base to be updated and upgraded to reliably support “Incentives-charging” public policies, develop new concepts as the “Environmental and Safety Tachographs”, and develop a “Universal OBFCM (On Board Fuel Consumption Monitor) device, software based” Fuel, energy consumption and Emissions (CO2; NOX) productions calculations based on raw data collected onboard. EU CO2 Regulations for cars and vans GDPR compliance solutions Software – backend + frontend, and electronics’ firmware Connected Cars and Telematics’ market solutions (Fleet Management, Mobility management, Insurance, Smart Cities) and challenges (car data access, privacy[...]


Expertise in domains such as Human-Machine Interaction (HRI), Robotics, Assisting Systems, Affective computing, Artifical Intelligence (AI), Health and Social Sciences

Company Name: Hochschule Offenburg - ACI

Expertise offered:
The Affective & Cognitive Institute (ACI) is a research institute at Offenburg University (Germany), specialized in Human-Robot-Interaction (HRI), assisting systems, affective computing, and machine learning. We study the perception and integration of robots and focus on state-of-the-art solutions for the work environment, education, and health care. We have experience with EU Horizon projects.


KU Leuven LICT – (research) expertise in different ICT-related domains

Company Name: KU Leuven

Expertise offered:
LICT (The Leuven Center on Information and Communication Technology) is a cross-departmental center within KU Leuven that bundles the complementary expertise of (electronic) engineers, computer scientists, sociologists and law experts, active in the area of ICT. The mission of the center is to "coordinate and promote top-level research on the design and application of ICT systems (including both hardware and software as well as related social and legal aspects) in support of industry and society". It currently represents more than 700 professors and researchers at different campuses in Flanders. Research activities span the wider ICT domain including "Sensing & Communication[...]


IP networking (radio: 5G and 6G, core: Network services chain, SDN, AI and DLT in network management) and Applications (Internet of Things, Smart Cities, multimedia) for the Future Internet as well as cybersecurity in networks.

Company Name: Warsaw University of Technology

Expertise offered:
Jordi Mongay Batalla (MSc by Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain; PhD and DSc by Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. ORCID: 0000-0002-1489-5138) worked in Centro Nazionale di Astrofisica in Bologna-Italy, Telcordia Poland, an Ericsson Co. -Poland, and in Seidor ICT S.A. -Spain. He is now an Associate Professor at Warsaw University of Technology. His research interest focuses on IP networking (radio: 5G and 6G, core: Network services chain, SDN, AI and DLT in network management) and Applications (Internet of Things, Smart Cities, multimedia) for the Future Internet. He also works on business cybersecurity (Risk Assessment, Vulnerabilities Management). Currently Prof. Mongay Batalla is[...]