Proposal Ideas:

Next-Gen Open RAN Solutions: Targeting cm-Waveband

Objective of Proposal Idea:
This project focuses on creating and testing a cutting-edge Open RAN platform built for future 6G networks. We will target the emerging “cm-wave” frequency ranges (6–8 GHz and 14–15 GHz) to demonstrate how next-generation wireless solutions can deliver ultra-fast data rates, low latency, and advanced features like joint communication and sensing (JCAS). On the hardware side, we aim to design high-performance radio front ends—power amplifiers, antennas, and filters—that are both efficient and adaptable to new bands. We will also explore “gigantic” MIMO configurations to boost capacity and coverage. On the software and algorithm side, we plan to incorporate sophisticated AI/ML techniques (implemented[...]


Expertise Offerings:

“Impactful Insights for ICT Industry with Data Driven Solutions”

Company Name: MoiLeon

Expertise offered:
As a market research service provider in the ICT sector, we offer comprehensive analysis and insights on market trends, consumer analysis, competitive landscape to help organizations make informed business decisions.


Imec is an RD hub for nano- and digital technologies

Company Name: IMEC

Expertise offered:
At imec, we shape the future. How? By enabling nano- and digital technology innovation with a significant impact on the quality of life. With our partners from companies, governments and academia. And supported by the three pillars of our R&D: a unique infrastructure that includes a 2.5-billion-euro 300mm semiconductor pilot line more than 5,000 expert scientists from over 95 countries an ecosystem of more than 600 world-leading industry partners and a global academic network