Artificially Intelligent energy management for hospitality and retail SMEs in Europe

Objective of Project Idea:
Considerate Group’s vision is for an innovative yet user-friendly app, specifically for hospitality and retail SMEs, that will a) reduce the scope (and therefore cost) of energy audits, and b) provide bespoke recommendations for the most suitable and cost-effective energy efficiency (EE) building upgrades. These upgrades will support businesses to build back better following COVID-19, increase EU-wide investment in EE upgrades, and ultimately contribute toward 2050 Net-Zero Carbon commitments. The aim is to leverage investment in Considerate Group’s existing app; fluttr. The existing app (which does not currently use AI) encourages EE in hospitality SMEs through simple, jargon-free energy data[...]
Name: Isaac Pelham-Chipper

Proposal key words:E9 Smart Energy (incl. energy efficiency)


Objective of Project Idea:
Road vehicles are getting automated however, this is based on basic following/tracking algorithms and not on the human behaviour. Human (driver) behaviours are not usually considered real-time during the control units’ development. The development to be made here will arise to a medium of transforming knowledge and experience into a product. The product will be a human-centred real-time library. Increased level of Smart Green Systems Increased level of vehicle safety Increased level of vehicle comfort
Name: Use case provider;AI, big data related institution (university, research lab);SME, large enterprise (Tier1, OEM, automotive)

Proposal key words:B18 Gaming services and applicationsC8 Artificial IntelligenceE6 Smart Car / Smart Traffic


Objective of Project Idea:
The recent COVID-19 pandemic across the globe affected our lives in many ways, hit economies, healthcare systems, education, work-life. It caused manufacturing organizations to suffer many significant operational challenges, obligatory shutdowns due to government restrictions or falling demand, the risk to spread the virus among all workers without sufficient precautions. All manufacturing facilities had to develop plans for continuing operations in the setting of COVID-19 occurring among workers or in the surrounding community. Briefly, project idea has emerged after COVID-19 and it is basically a prevention and monitoring system in production facilities.
Name: Hazal Bedir



Objective of Project Idea:
The recent COVID-19 pandemic across the globe affected our lives in many ways, hit economies, healthcare systems, education, work-life. It caused manufacturing organizations to suffer many significant operational challenges, obligatory shutdowns due to government restrictions or falling demand, the risk to spread the virus among all workers without sufficient precautions. All manufacturing facilities had to develop plans for continuing operations in the setting of COVID-19 occurring among workers or in the surrounding community. Briefly, project idea has emerged after COVID-19 and it is basically a prevention and monitoring system in production facilities.
Name: Tutku Özen

Proposal key words:D4 Internet of Things, including Sensors and Wearables

smarTravel Platform

Objective of Project Idea:
The smarTravel Platform project is an integrated smart tourism platform that aims to provide an end-to-end travel experience for travelers. In order to provide the travel experience in a safe, healthy and most effective way, a platform where all stakeholders will participate and interactions will take place is aimed. It is planned to work with technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big data, NLP, data mining, deep learning, blockchain, internet of things, microservices. There are different user modules; recommendation system, hotel and customer reputation, chatbot assistant, optimum route & time planning and similar scenarios will be some of these.[...]
Name: Cenk Yusuf Ustabaş

Proposal key words:B10 Smart City related services and applicationsE1 Smart Cities (incl. smart grids, water management, etc.)

Smart City Microgrid Management Platform

Objective of Project Idea:
Digital AI&IoT technology infrastructure upgrades and adaptations are accelerating in cities to address connected cities, buildings, storage battery technologies, renewable to grid integration, electric vehicles and all. Cities are looking for the most rational technological solution options to implement smart infrastructures and systems. Our project idea is for an AI and IoT based smart city energy management platform to be developed where the optimization will be studied both for the aspects of ICT and energy, addressing Celtic-Next and Eurogia. Optimum communication technologies, digitalized energy solutions, infrastructure, and user interactions will be studied, tested. The collaborative applicable innovative solutions will be[...]
Name: Dilara Goker

Proposal key words:B10 Smart City related services and applicationsB8 IoT related servicesE9 Smart Energy (incl. energy efficiency)

Optimal emission-free local public transport

Objective of Project Idea:
In order to achieve environmental friendly public transport, the way to go at the time are electric busses. Many obstacles must be tackled before the operations can be switched to those alternative drives. We combine research approaches from classic traffic research with advanced machine learning techniques to achieve optimal transport networks for electric busses. We invite any public tranport provider interested in switching to emsission-free operations to take part in our research pursuit.
Name: Samuel Würtz

Proposal key words:B21 Societal ImprovementC8 Artificial IntelligenceE4 Personal Mobility / Transport / Logistics / Food

Intelligent & Connected Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance Planning Framework (iConnect-OWF)

Objective of Project Idea:
Offshore wind farms (OWFs) are complex dynamic systems that depend on atmospheric conditions for energy generation and system operation & maintenance (O&M). In order to undertake effective O&M actions it is necessary to determine weather windows that enable accessibility to the farm. In this context, an updated health estimation of wind turbines is crucial to reduce costs and increase reliability. However, the OWF energy production is surrounded by uncertainties, such as wind speed, sea conditions, as well as the degradation process and interactions between electrical and mechanical components. Hence, remote and online condition monitoring and runtime maintenance planning are vital[...]
Name: Jose Aizpurua

Proposal key words:C5 Big Data, Data Mining, Reality MiningC8 Artificial IntelligenceE9 Smart Energy (incl. energy efficiency)

Smart deep edge architecture and systems for beyond 5G (SEAS-B5G)

Objective of Project Idea:
For beyond 5G/6G, the project SEAS-B5G will extend the edge computing paradigm, with a goal of intelligent connectivity, storage and computing anywhere, anytime. It will include micro and moving-edges, which can collaborate and operate intermittently. Ultra demanding applications, such as V2X and mission critical industrial applications will push for ever higher densification. With appropriate incentives, the stakeholders and operators will cooperate to provide resources. Edge nodes will adapt and scale to demands and allow almost zero latency (<5μs). The SEAS-B5G envisages that this solution will dramatically increase the supported throughput with bandwidth savings up to 20% for downlink and 80%[...]
Name: Jean-Charles Point


AI and Robotics for Quality and Risk Management in Industrial Harsh Conditions

Objective of Project Idea:
This project is based on the perceived potential of the use of robotics in harsh conditions through the utilization of AI, next generation wireless sensors (IoT platform), wireless networks (5G), image analysis, and autonomous robotics. The possibility of using drones and mobile robotics in monitoring/inspection has been sparking the interest in the R&D field, especially in industrial harsh conditions. However as per recent research of drones in harsh conditions of mines, the main challenges drones face in harsh conditions are GPS-denied environment, lack of wireless signal, confined space issues, and high concentration of dust and toxic gases. Hence this project[...]
Name: Jorma Hintikka

Proposal key words:A2 Mobile / WirelessC8 Artificial IntelligenceD4 Internet of Things, including Sensors and Wearables
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