Smart City Burdur

Objective of Project Idea:
We want to be pilot project area for any smart city or other innovative Technology on the local services
Name: Nilay Uğur

Proposal key words:B10 Smart City related services and applicationsE1 Smart Cities (incl. smart grids, water management, etc.)E9 Smart Energy (incl. energy efficiency)

Post Quantum 6G Networks and Services

Objective of Project Idea:
Securing mobile communication in a Post-Quantum world is of strategic importance for nation states. With the help of our research and development partners in academia and industry, our aim is to achieve two objectives, namely: (1) make 6G mobile networks secure using post-quantum cryptography i.e. come up with approaches to address PKI and secure messaging, and (2) explore the use of quantum computing to optimise existing networks (e.g. error correction in messages). To this end, we would like to build and test proof-of-value solutions using in-house testbed facilities at Digital Catapult (UK) and also deploy these on a partnering mobile[...]
Name: Dr. Keerthi Thomas

Proposal key words:A9 Network infrastructure and platformsB7 Security, Privacy related servicesC4 Security/ safety, trust and identity

Financial Risk & Management Planning Platform

Objective of Project Idea:
Lack of open standardization on digital financial data exchange has been a novel challenge for sophisticated financial modelling, especially regarding the largest volume of businesses worldwide, SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Data depth and scale requirements are additional issues to perform modelling up to the expectations. The need for a breakthrough for financial risk analysis and reporting standardization, similar to bar code, is obvious. Combining both critical factors, financial risk analysis and planning now necessitate an enterprise-level integrated approach for financial impacts, utilizing dynamic modelling based on a multitude of data pipelines including the standardization of in-depth financial data. SMEs[...]
Name: Nima Najaflou

Proposal key words:C5 Big Data, Data Mining, Reality MiningD3 Cloud-related

Real Trustworthy Systems

Objective of Project Idea:
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, digital twins, programmable networks, metaverse and augmented reality and the required data processing will only happen in a trustworthy manner if the systems running the software and processing the data are themselves trustworthy. Technologies such as trusted and confidential computing, cloud orchestration and the whole range of machine learning and data processing technologies all must be properly integrated such that the system as a whole can provide a trustworthy platform that the users and developers can depend upon. Providing for trust acrosss a system comprising of many individual pieces of hardware and software, scattered from centralised systems[...]
Name: Ian Oliver

Proposal key words:C4 Security/ safety, trust and identityC8 Artificial IntelligenceD3 Cloud-related

Digital Plane Safe

Objective of Project Idea:
Aviation and aerospace have security and safety concerns that are not present nor considered in cloud-based systems for "normal" applications. If the capabilities of cloud-based systems can be extended to aviation scenarios without compromise of safety then this would have many costs, flexibility, and even environmental benefits. Furthermore, it would allow much more dynamicity in the configuration of systems, optimizations through localized and remote data processing and open a path for technologies such as AI to be utilized. Applying commodity hardware and technologies such as containerization to aviation systems would, for example, bring benefits in the amount of hardware carried,[...]
Name: Ian Oliver

Proposal key words:A14 Network Safety / RobustnessC4 Security/ safety, trust and identityD3 Cloud-related

Vitals Early Warning System -VEWS

Objective of Project Idea:
Offers Remote Patient Monitoring of the SPO2 levels, Temperature, and Heart Rate. The Vitals are collected through a wrist band onto an app that then uploads the information plus Geo-location data to a command centre's dashboard.
Name: Tsholofelo Moshimane

Proposal key words:B10 Smart City related services and applicationsB14 eHealth related services and applicationsC5 Big Data, Data Mining, Reality Mining

Invulnerable secure edge cloud document storage

Objective of Project Idea:
Holding information at the edge of the network, close to consumers, has the potential to reduce costs and energy consumption, but maintaining physical and digital security at many distributed locations is challenging. After cost, potential edge computing users cite security concerns as their biggest concern. For the most sensitive data, organisations have tended to prefer on-premises storage, with the additional security and reliability risks that this entails. Umbra Systems has a new mathematical approach to efficiently, quickly and economically split a source document into multiple shadows; each of which is provably un-decryptable, that can be distributed in an optimal manner[...]
Name: Ed French

Proposal key words:A13 Network Security / PrivacyB6 Cloud ServicesC4 Security/ safety, trust and identity

Operating Multi-function Mobile Private Networks

Objective of Project Idea:
Meeting the connectivity requirements of large-scale, multi-function entertainment venues Adding value for Mass interactive gaming Neutral hosting Local broadcasting Indoor location based services IoT (sensors, cameras, robots, drones etc.) Critical Services Benefits Excellent consumer experience Easy to manage and operate connectivity Partitioned, scalable, dynamic wireless connectivity Intelligent assurance
Name: Mike Dimelow


Hubicare – Loved Ones In-Home Care

Objective of Project Idea:
AI-powered digital platform for hiring and managing elderly care services. For the Right to Age with Dignity. For the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Person. For the Right to Health. For the Right to an Effective Remedy. For the Right to Adequate Standard of Living. For the Right to Non-Discrimination. For the Right to Freedom from Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment. Deeply committed to Universal Human Rights and to Hubicare, as the innovative solution for healthy aging.
Name: Sónia Silva

Proposal key words:E7 eHealth

Internet Based Real-time Teleoperation of Robots

Objective of Project Idea:
With the rapid advancement of internet technology, it is increasingly feasible to utilize the internet for the remote operation of robotic systems that require high real-time performance, such as remote driving and tele-surgery, under normal internet conditions. Given the substantial demand for such services, it is likely to become a standard service provided by network providers in the future. Nevertheless, there remains a potential for significant issues or even disasters to arise in the event of unforeseen disruptions in internet connectivity or significant network condition degradation. This project aims to bridge the gap between the internet and robotic systems, ensuring[...]

Proposal key words:B9 TeleworkingD2 Future Internet Use-case scenarios / Test environmentD4 Internet of Things, including Sensors and Wearables
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