Using Augmented Reality as a Digital Assistant for Aphasic Patients
Using Augmented Reality as a Digital Assistant for Aphasic Patients
In this project, we are combining Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning (ML) to create a personalised digital solution for patients with Aphasia.
Aphasia is a communication disorder caused by damage to the brain's language and comprehension areas, usually on the left side. In the UK, more than 350,000 people live with Aphasia. About one-third of stroke survivors experience some form of Aphasia, with 12% still affected after six months. Between 30-43% of those people remain severely aphasic long-term.
Many patients are referred to therapists for treatment, which can be short or long-term depending on the severity of their condition.
In this project, we propose a new digital solution that uses AR and ML to assist patients with speech impairments in their daily lives. We will design both the hardware and software for a device that communicates effectively with the patient, understands their emotions, thoughts, personality, and character, and analyses this data. Based on the analysis, the software will suggest the right words to help the patient express themselves, both in speech and writing, in different situations.
- B14 eHealth related services and applications
- K2 Artificial Intelligence
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Name: Hossein SheykhCompany: Trecco Ltd
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 07503114798
Brief description of my Organisation
At Trecco, we develop personalized medical devices by using advanced machine learning and Additive Manufacturing technologies to provide patients with optimal outcomes.