Secure and intelligent Access control system for industrial Machinery

Secure and intelligent Access control system for industrial Machinery

Title of my Project Idea
Secure and intelligent Access control system for industrial Machinery
Objective of my Project Idea

This project aims to improve industrial workplace safety by developing an intelligent access control system integrating biometric and facial recognition technology. In high-risk industries like manufacturing, where machinery such as roll forming machines is prevalent, safety is crucial. Unauthorized personnel or improper equipment handling can lead to accidents, misuse, and downtime. To address this, the project introduces a software solution that restricts machinery access solely to authorized operators, reducing accident rates and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

The project includes cloud-based data analytics and communication among the distributed manufacturing machines to predict and enhance safety measures. By analyzing biometric data and access patterns, the system will provide predictive security alerts, enabling proactive responses to unauthorized access attempts. These analytics will contribute to a safer working environment by offering real-time insights into potential security threats.

Cloud-based monitoring enables predictive security alerts, helping prevent unauthorized access by logging attempts and providing real-time notifications. Additionally, machines will connect to companies’ HR databases to facilitate knowledge transfer, particularly helpful as experienced workers retire and new employees need training support. Enhanced performance monitoring will also be possible, as it will be known who is using each machine.

Types of partners being sought
Research Institute, University, End User Large Scale Company
Proposal key words
  • E3 Digital Enterprise including Industry 4.0
  • K1 IoT
  • K2 Artificial Intelligence
Presentation File

No File


Name: Selin Akçay
Company: Papilon
Type of Organisation: Industry
Country: Turkey

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