Hubicare – Loved Ones In-Home Care

Hubicare – Loved Ones In-Home Care

Title of my Project Idea
Hubicare - Loved Ones In-Home Care
Objective of my Project Idea

AI-powered digital platform for hiring and managing elderly care services.

For the Right to Age with Dignity.
For the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Person. For the Right to Health.
For the Right to an Effective Remedy. For the Right to Adequate Standard of Living. For the Right to Non-Discrimination. For the Right to Freedom from Torture
and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment.

Deeply committed to Universal Human Rights and to Hubicare, as the innovative solution for healthy aging.

Types of partners being sought
Proposal key words
  • E7 eHealth
Presentation File

No File


Name: Sónia Silva
Company: Hubicare
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Portugal
Telephone: +351927560149

Brief description of my Organisation

AI-powered digital platform for hiring and managing elderly care services;

Bootstrapping startup with POC developed and tested;

Team of 3 co-founders:
Sónia Silva (M0), CEO and Co-founder, MSc in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship, BSc in Marketing, Certified UX/UI Designer in Lead UX, Front-end & Web-developer;
André Santos (M0), CMDO and Co-founder, Medical Doctor, Internal Medicine Specialist, Emergency Team Leader, Geriatric Care and Chronic Pain Management Expert;
Vitor Faria (M12-M24), CIO and Full-Stack Developer, Senior Full Stack Web Developer with experience in web applications and web services Team Leader, BSc in Industrial Computing.

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