Video Enabled Real-time Drone Operations on 6G

Project VERDO-6G
Project Key Information

Project Status: set-up

Start Date: July 2024

End Date: June 2027

Budget (total): 5298.3 K€

Effort:  59.7 PY

Project-ID: C2023/1-17

Project Coordinator

Name: Kurt Zuckermann

Company: eyeson GmbH

Country: Austria


Project Consortium

eyeson GmbH, Austria
Elsight, Israel
Beyond Vision, Portugal
Koala Tech (KT), Portugal
PDMF&C, Portugal
COFAC – Universidade Lusofona, Portugal
Drone Major Limited, UK
Helix Geospace, UK
Warwick University, UK


The project will develop innovative technologies and solutions that address current limitations in drone operations by utilising existing communications infrastructure and preparing for future 6G networks. The general background is defined by the telecommunications infrastructure for data/video transfer and drone operations integrated into video conferencing for remote decision making. While the first aspect is external, it provides the basis for the second. Current infrastructure capabilities define possibilities but limit drone use cases.

Drone operations rely on the infrastructure for control, data/video transfer, and functionality like localization. Without guarantee of coverage, contingency measures are needed. The infrastructure is also essential for remote collaboration via video conferencing. Quality and functionality depend on it. Combining drones and video conferencing is complex, unstable and bandwidth-intensive. Cloud-based single-stream technology could enable this.

5G offers faster speeds, lower latency and more capacity but rollout is limited. 6G will enable new solutions through: ultra-high data rates enabling data-intensive applications; extremely low latency enabling emerging technologies; massive device density enabling IoT; improved energy efficiency; intelligent network slicing allocating resources based on needs; and enhanced security/privacy.

Drones have revolutionised industries but potential uses are limited by infrastructure. 6G’s capabilities will enhance drone operations in many ways. We will analyse which are most important to drone operations with integrated video collaboration. We will develop and demonstrate current capabilities, then analyse use cases to identify 6G-enabled gains. Results include advanced localization combining 6G, satellite, onboard sensors and AI services; optimised communication channels; single-stream video services integrated drone operations; validation of technologies and solutions in relevant environments.

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