Universal Critical Infrastructures

Project Key Information

Project Status: Finished

Start Date: October 2018

End Date: March 2021

Budget (total): 2455.56 K€

Effort: 33.42 PY

Project-ID: C2017/3-9

Project Coordinator

Name: Maria Luisa Arranz Chacon

Company: Nokia Spain

Country: Spain

E-mail: maria_luisa.arranz_chacon@nokia.com

Project Consortium

Nokia Spain SA, Spain


Indra Soluciones Tecnologías de la Información, S.L, Spain

UbiWhere, Portugal


In Catastrophic environment we planned to identify the remaining infrastructure and develop the protocols, interfaces, etc to recover in automatic way the telecommunications infrastructure at all layers, core, mobile network, access, fiber. In this sense, the project plans to use the available communications infrastructures to create a global integrated platform to detect catastrophes, communicate with emergency teams and advice citizens.

Main target: Integrate the best of our technological companies to improve the emergency protocols including TV emergency Support or messaging alarms in small, medium and large areas.

The project showed its results in a live emergency demo co-located with EUCNC in the port of Valencia:

18 June 2019: Valencia Port Emergency Live Demonstration

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