Finished Project


This project won the Celtic Excellence Award in Gold 2010

Traffic Measurements and Models in Multi-Service networks

Project Coordinator Project Consortium
Andreas Aurelius
Acreo AB
e-mail: Andreas.Aurelius (at)
Acreo AB, SE Telefonica I+D, ES
Ericsson, SE Uni. Autonoma de Madrid, ES
Lund University, SE Fundacion Robotiker, ES
Procera Networks, SE Euskaltel, ES
Ericsson, HU Telnet-RI, ES
BUTE, HU GCM Communications Technology, ES

This is a “Celtic” project;

Project Key Information

Start date

End date Budget (total) Effort (total) Project-ID
Q1/2007 Q4/2009 4.4 MEuro 49.5 PY CP4-025

The idea behind the concept of a converged infrastructure is that a single network should support (in principle) all applications. It will have to carry traffic from different terminals and a great variety of applications. A proper understanding of the traffic that end-users generate and the requirements it has on the network is essential in order to understand how such infrastructure best is constructed. The key activities in the project are actual traffic measurements for different types of first mile access and constructing broadband traffic models that describe the traffic and enables description of different scenarios for the use of triple play applications .
The main goal of the project is to describe the behaviour of end-users in fixed broadband networks, to characterise the traffic that they generate, and to use this knowledge in creating dimensioning rules for capacity planning.
Part goals:

  • To understand the traffic generated in a broadband access network, on the application level.
  • To identify the corner stones of a good traffic model, including typical user types.
  • To analyse the bottlenecks of the internet

A basis for the project and a particular strength of the consortium is the access to fixed access networks/test beds with real end-uses from which genuine traffic data can be extracted:

  • Acreo broadband test bed in Hudiksvall, Sweden
  • RedIRIS network in Spain
  • Euskaltel Network in Spain
  • B2 Bredband AB network in Sweden

Focus areas
  • To understand the traffic generated in a broadband access network, on the application level.
  • To identify the corner stones of a good traffic model, including typical user types.
  • To analyze the bottlenecks of the internet

Expected outcome
End-user behavior in fixed broadband networks, to characterize the traffic that they generate, and to use this knowledge in creating dimensioning rules for capacity planning.

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