Finished Project

Secure interworking of mobile & wireless networks

Project Coordinator |
Project Consortium |
Shai Ophir
Starhome Ltd.
e-mail: shai.ophir (at)
Starhome, IL |
Alcatel CIT, FR |
University of Evry (UEVE), FR |
Transatel, FR |
This is a “Celtic” project;
Project Key Information |
Start date
End date |
Budget (total) |
Effort (total) |
Project-ID |
April 2005 |
December 2007 |
4 MEuro |
35 PY |
CP2-023 |
Abstract |
The main focus of the SeIMoNet project is (1) to define an AAA solution that spans different wireless access technologies (2) to implement a roaming intermediary for 3G/WLAN mixed environment to support the above AAA architecture, as well as interoperability, session handover and service synergism. The following summarizing the major goals of this project:
Design and develop a secure inter-operator and inter-technology roaming solution. Implement a roaming platform, which provides a unified AAA structure and a unified Billing & Accounting concept.
Support simple and unified management of roaming agreements with operators of all kinds of networks without revealing any sensitive data to the outside world.
Focus on a solution which hides the differences between technologies from the operators, especially if local hotspot networks with proprietary authentication schemes are to be combined with mobile networks that comprise (U)SIM based authentication.
Investigate the various billing and accounting structures and implementing a standard compliant billing information exchange solution into the roaming intermediary platform.
Monitor the work of standard bodies regarding the integration of the inter-technology handover scenario within one operator’s domain.
From a subscriber’s point of view: increase usability and enabling an ‘always-on’ feeling without caring about cumbersome access technology details.
Provide a mechanism to assist the subscriber in network selection and enable seamless handover without user interaction based on individually preferences, price, bandwidth, connection needs and roaming agreements between visited network’s operator and home operator.
As integration of different access technologies in a multi-operator scenario is the main purpose the project will dive into the details of network signalling and messaging.
Future networks will include WiMAX (as a step towards NGN – Next Generation Networks – which is considered 3.5G in its 802.16d version, and compete with 4G as 802.16e. The proposed framework will support WiMAX in addition to WLAN.
Focus areas |
- Define an AAA solution that spans different wireless access technologies
- Implement a roaming intermediary for 3G/WLAN mixed environment to support the AAA architecture
Expected outcome |
- Increase “usability” for users without scarifying security
- Implementation of security architecture of 3G/WLAN and combined usage
- Unified AAA, adapted B&A for 3G/WLAN
- Simplified management of combined networks
- Roaming intermediary either distributed area business entity – trusted 3rd party