Safe and Secure European Routing

Project Key Information

Project Status: Finished

Start Date: 1 August 2012

End Date: 31 December 2015

Budget (total): 5717.4 K€

Effort: 37.42 PY

Project-ID: CPP2011/2-5c

Project Coordinator

Name: Michael Eiselt

Company: ADVA SE

Country: Germany


Project Consortium

ADVA SE, Germany

VPIphotonics GmbH, Germany

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Heinrich Hertz Institut (HHI), Germany

University Dortmund, Germany

University of Kiel – Christian Albrecht University, Germany

Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany

University Ulm, Germany


In the sub-project SASER – ADVAntage-NET, routing and signal transmission in flexible and secure optical metro and enterprise networks will be investigated. These topics are an important step towards the future internet, in which connections need to be provided in a flexible way, especially in locally confined network areas. The requirements of novel applications are met by a flexible network, which is robust and secure and provides large network capacities with low transmission latency. These features can be found in an optical network, where flexibility is realized mostly in the optical domain: by softwarebased adaptation of electro-optical interfaces and by optical routing. The project will investigate networking layer aspects of flexible networks, including network planning and operation considering multiple network layers. Furthermore, physical layer aspects will be considered, taking into account adaptive interfaces and flexible optical routing. An important aspect in metro and enterprise networks, supporting the requirements of business customers, are security considerations. Here, the project will investigate new approaches to improve network security on the physical layer. The various aspects of the project will be demonstrated in laboratory and field test environments, and project results will be disseminated to be included in new standards and presented to potential customers.

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