Trustworthy situation awareness for mobility and traffic related Cyber-Physical Systems
Project Status: set-up
Start Date: October 2021
End Date: September 2024
Budget (total): 6400.03 K€
Effort: 53.42 PY
Project-ID: C2020/2-1
Name: Juhani Latvakoski
Company: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Country: Finland
Nodeon Finland Oy, Finland
NSION Ltd., Finland
Posti Oy, Finland
Tampere City, Finland
Telia Finland Oyj, Finland
Vantaa City, Finland
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland
Ericsson AB (EAB), Sweden
Lund University , Sweden
Now Electronics, Sweden
SAAB, Sweden
T2Data, Sweden
The main targeted challenge area arises from the real-time and trustworthy information sharing needs of CPS. Such interaction between cyber-physical entities of different sectors and organizations highlights need for guaranteed trust, security and privacy for reaching smart operation for real-time situation awareness. The Res4CPS addresses this challenge via investigating to R&D of distributed ledger based solutions for information sharing and security to enable trustworthy situation awareness. Res4CPS plans to apply novel blockchain technologies for handling identities, keys and trust levels in the distributed CPS. The solutions will be developed and evaluated in the two use cases: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) control and mission handling, and situation aware traffic. They provide the framework to set-up the requirements, as well as testing platform for the solutions.