Finished Project

Mobile Video and Interactive Services

Project Coordinator |
Project Consortium |
Francis Gourdy
e-mail: francis.gourdy (at)
Gemalto, FR |
Alcatel CIT, FR |
CRP Henri Tudor, LU |
Nagra, FR |
Telefonica I+D, ES |
Grass Valley, FR |
Thomson R&D, FR |
Comneon, AT |
This is a “Celtic” project;
Project Key Information |
Start date
End date |
Budget (total) |
Effort (total) |
Project-ID |
Q3/2006 |
Q4/2008 |
11.3 MEuro |
94.7 PY |
CP3-009 |
Abstract |
The Project, entitled “Mobile Video and Interactive Services”, will provide new interactive mobile services by combining two communication technologies: mobile cellular systems and digital broadcast. The project will focus on the co-operation of DVB-H and wireless networks (UMTS/ GPRS, WiMax). It will enable to provide complementary services based on existing broadcast services and services delivered with cellular networks. This project will enable to identify and develop cooperative and interactive applications.A cooperation of both types of networks will enable to offer new services:
- Interactive TV (e.g. TV shows with voting): The interactivity aspect will be dedicated to the use of the 2G/3G network channels and the development of context-aware applications (localization taking into account regulation aspects).
- Personalized information (e.g. personalized advertising): The personalization aspect will be in charge of managing the content adaptation according to several criteria.
- On demand services.
- Rich-Media protection (DRM and Conditional Access): An open solution with interoperability, liability, roaming / seamless aspects for the Conditional Access will be studied and developed.
The objectives of this project are:
- the identification of the key business-enabling technologies and the analysis of business models impact on the global architecture,
- the definition and the development of a service delivery platform for the interactive mobile broadcasting services with open interfaces,
- the providing of inter-operable mobile Conditional Access/DRM systems,
- the contribution to international standardization bodies (OMA, DVB forum,…).
Focus areas |
- Enable new services on Interactive TV by using the 2G/3G network channels and context-aware applications
- Personalized information to manage the content adaptation according to several criteria.
- On demand services
- Rich-Media protection (DRM and Conditional Access
Expected outcome |
- Analysis of value chain to develop competitive business models, regulation aspects, use cases and interactive services
- Demonstration platform to validate reference architecture, interactive services, content adaptation, personalization and the DRM/CA. Prototype innovative terminal with ergonomic user interfaces
- Provide security and DRM/CA interoperability through two different but inter-operable Mobile CA/DRM systems