Finished Project


IP Network Monitoring for Quality of Service Intelligent Support


Project Key Information

Start date

End date Budget (total) Effort (total) Project-ID
October 2010 April 2013 7284 k€ 68.9 PY CP07-009
Project Coordinator
Antonio Cuadra
Indra Sistemas
e-mail: acuadra[at]

Project Consortium
Indra Sistemas Spain Alkit Communications Sweden
Alcatel-Lucent Espana SA Spain Procera Networks/Netintac Sweden
DYCEC Spain Institut Telecom SudParis France
Broadcom Networks Spain Spain Paris-Est Creteil France
Naudit Spain IP-Label Newtest France
Softtelecom Spain Vierling Communication France
Acreo AB Sweden VTT Finland
Ericsson AB (EAB) Sweden EXFO NetHawk Finland
Lund University Sweden PPO-Yhtiöt Oy Finland


The focus of IPNQSIS is to develop continuous monitoring systems to study the behaviour of Quality of Experience (QoE) through the analysis of network and service performance and their impact on end customers. The outcomes of the project will provide crucial knowledge for designing future multimedia networks and systems for intelligent network control to cope with QoE and Service Level Agreement (SLA) in a network-centric approach, with a lower cost compared to traditional solutions operating in border devices. This approach for network operation will be scalable and robust. Besides, it is intended to fit better to demanding applications such as IPTV, based on multicast services, and convergent transport architectures to support them, for instance, Digital Subscriber Line technology (xDSL), ·3G Mobile and Fiber To the premises (FTTx). IPNQSIS will extend IP traffic modelling, issued from previous projects, like TRAMMS and a smart combination of routing and traffic measurement to implement real-time trouble shooting and Quality of Service (QoS) degradation in multi-domain scenarios.

An important novelty of IPNQSIS is that QoE will be taken up as the main driver for building a complete Customer Experience Management System (CEMS). The QoE input will come from multi-technology network devices (i.e. mainly probes) that will be developed and evaluated in the project. Deep packet and deep flow inspection techniques will be applied to monitor and analyze IP traffic in access networks in order to propose new techniques for distribution of multimedia content for cost-efficient solutions to maintain acceptable levels of QoE. In summary, algorithms, and measurements devices will be developed and tested to provide feedback to the control system. Furthermore, cognitive software will be developed to combine QoE-QoS correlation analysis with network operation and traffic modelling studies. All this elements constitute the Customer Experience Management (CEM) that is the main outcome of this project

The impact of IPNQSIS spans network operators and service providers who will be able to develop SLA more efficiently. Also higher level European agents will have access to tested traffic modelling and other key elements for better understanding of QoS issues in a multioperator scenario. In summary, the dissemination and exploitation of IPNQSIS results is expected to influence and promote the European Future Internet platform and enhance intelligent network development for its wide-spread adoption in a disaggregated market.

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