Future eHealth powered by 5G

Project Status: finished
Start Date: December 2018
End Date: March 2022
Budget (total): 10.659 K€
Effort: 114.53 PY
Project-ID: C2017/3-6
Name: Gema Maestro
Company: Experis IT
Country: Spain
E-mail: gema.maestro@experis.es
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS, Germany
highstreet technologies, Germany
Inova Computers GmbH, Multimedia-Systeme, Germany
Technical University Berlin, Germany
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
HicareNet Inc, Korea
Kookmin University, Korea
LifeSemantics, Korea
Experis IT, Spain
Nunsys, Spain
Accellrate Mobile Infrastructure AB, Sweden
Alkit Communications, Sweden
Alten Sverige AB, Sweden
Camanio Care AB, Sweden
CCR-V, Sweden
Mälardalen University, Sweden
Tele2 IoT AB, Sweden
Enforma, Turkey
Ericsson Arastima Gelistirme ve Bilisim Hiz. A.S., Turkey
Inosens, Turkey
NETAS Telecommunications A.S., Turkey
Semper Tech Inc, Turkey
Turkcell Teknoloji, Turkey
Vestel Electronics, Turkey
RedZinc, Ireland
Emerging network technologies, including the next generation mobile technology (5G), will form the backbone of future healthcare. 5G is a key enabling technology for the Internet of Things, Smart Pharmaceuticals, and Individualized Medicine. The features of 5G, such as low latency, reliability, performance, and flexibility, enable novel features to and better quality of eHealth services.
The aim of our project is to identify novel use cases of eHealth that take advantage of 5G capabilities, study and develop 5G enablers for the use cases, develop and validate actual eHealth solutions in real environments and real 5G test networks, and disseminate and exploit the results.
The project will study selected high-impact and industry-driven use cases for future eHealth enabled by 5G. So far, we have identified three potential eHealth scenarios: healthcare@home, hospital environment of the future, and emergency situations, all including technology-focused sub-use cases benefitting from 5G. The aim is to refine the scenarios and use cases during the project together with partners in order to increase the societal, business, and scientific impacts of the project.