Finished Project


Deployable high capacity gateway for emergency services

Project Coordinator Project Consortium
Vidar Karlsen
Thales Norway
e-mail: Vidar.Karlsen (at)
Helsinki University of Technology, FI
EADS (Nokia Professional Mobile Radio, FI
Suomen Erillisverkot (SEV) Ltd., FI
Applica AS, NO
Thales Norway AS, NO
University Graduate Center, NO
Telefonica I+D, ES
Iber-X, ES

This is a “Celtic” project;

Project Key Information

Start date

End date Budget (total) Effort (total) Project-ID
June 2005 May 2008 4.4 MEuro 44 PY CP2-008

The project will develop a deployable high bandwidth gateway for emergency services accompanied with applications. The gateway will extend high capacity data communication through the use of existing radio technology. The deployable gateway will be used in addition to the low bandwidth voice and data systems already deployed by the emergency services. The innovative aspects will be in terms of the applications, control, management and security for the communication resources. From a service perspective, the innovative aspects will be ability to thoroughly demonstrate and pilot high capacity services for the emergency services.

The foundation for the project is interaction with user communities, so the functional requirement for the overall architecture and for the gateway itself is based on their needs. The usability of the concept will be demonstrated with trials aimed at the user community. The project will utilize and interact with other existing European projects within the emergency services, in particular the Widens and the Oasis project. Several of the project partners participate in one or more of these, and the will extend the knowledgebase from these project. In addition, public available demonstrators from the Widens projects will be extended in the planned demonstrations.

Focus areas
  • Demonstrate a secure broadband mobile wireless communication system for emergency services
  • Develop additional units to augment the current systems

Expected outcome
  • Deployable gateways to extend high capacity data to emergency service personnel
  • System concept, protocols and algorithms optimised to public safety user requirements and scenarios
  • Definition of key applications using broadband technology

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