Advanced Sensing for Urban Automation

Project Status: Finished
Start Date: January 2015
End Date: December 2017
Budget (total): 5302 K€
Effort: 58.8 PY
Project-ID: C2013/2-2
Name: Serdar Sultanoglu
Company: Netcad
Country: Turkey
Netcad, Turkey
Beia Consult International, Romania
Geodata Ziviltechnikergesellschaft mbH, Austria
Montanuniversitat Leoben, Austria
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Televic Healthcare NV, Belgium
Innovati Networks S.L., Spain
Karel Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S., Turkey
Today’s technological fragmentation of the device market has led to a number of challenges due to ever increasing network system complexity and device heterogeneity, where interoperability between devices and competing technologies is a growing concern. Inter-connecting the tiniest modern sensors with end-to-end optimized protocol stacks and high-traffic background systems of today is a huge problem as challenging environments and battery life considerations pose additional challenges. The ASUA project will deliver solutions for managing constrained devices in challenging environments, while enabling them to get connected by becoming parts of an advanced sensing system. The addition of new sensors to existing systems will be facilitated by designing flexible interfaces for enhanced interoperability.
An ever increasing demand for new exciting services exists, which leads to the need for even more network capacity and reliable connectivity while energy efficiency has also become important concerns within the European technology industry. In ASUA, multidisciplinary ways of applying communication technology itself as a means to preserve energy are explored while analysing the requirements for a communication system enabling future applications of sensing in urban automation. Autonomic communication mechanisms will be provided for secure and reliable messaging and control between heterogeneous communication-enabled physical objects.
The advances in pervasive sensor technologies have enabled the “datafication” of our everyday environments and this onslaught of ubiquitous technology has put us awash in a vast sea of diverse data. In ASUA, the problem will be approached by harnessing cloud-based technologies and semantic data models for distributed storage, autonomic decision making and multidisciplinary information management for the purpose of developing novel techniques that are able to intelligently manage asset devices and information retrieved from them.