Innovative Tech Solutions in AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics. Custom digital solutions that fit every use case.

Name: Panos Athanasiadis
Company Name: allWeb Solutions S.A.

Expertise offered:
Allweb Solutions S.A., established in Greece in 1989, excels in developing custom information systems and solutions, with a strong focus on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and IoT. Our expertise encompasses system design, software development, quality assurance, and IT consulting, leveraging agile and waterfall methodologies for effective problem-solving. We specialize in transforming complex data into actionable insights, supporting sectors like government, finance, health, and manufacturing with cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud computing and Blockchain. Our team combines technical skills with business acumen, ensuring solutions that align with clients' strategic objectives. Certified by ISO standards, Allweb is committed to delivering[...]

Expertise key words:A9 Network infrastructure and platformsB11 Smart home related services and applicationsB14 eHealth related services and applicationsB15 eGovernment related services and applicationsB16 eLearning / digital school related services and applicationsB18 Gaming services and applicationsB2 Data ServicesB20 Business related services and applications (incl. ePayment)B5 Mobile ServicesB6 Cloud ServicesB8 IoT related servicesC1 Future Service PlatformsC5 Big Data, Data Mining, Reality MiningC8 Artificial IntelligenceD3 Cloud-relatedD5 Internet of ServicesE1 Smart Cities (incl. smart grids, water management, etc.)E2 Digital / Smart HomeE3 Digital Enterprise including Industry 4.0E5 Smart Learning / Digital SchoolE7 eHealthE8 eGovernmentK1 IoTK2 Artificial IntelligenceK4 Blockchain

Research and competence center with expertise in modeling and simulation, hardware/software integration, systems engineering, AI & machine learning, and robotics

Name: Dr. Stefan Ehrlich
Company Name: SETLabs Research GmbH

Expertise offered:
Our expertise includes modeling and simulation, hardware/software integration, systems engeneering, AI & machine learning, and robotics. Our focus is on the fields healthcare technologies, mobility and cross-domain.

Expertise key words:B14 eHealth related services and applicationsC8 Artificial IntelligenceE7 eHealth

Electronics Digita twin Design Partner

Name: deepak v katkoria
Company Name: logiicdev

Expertise offered:
Austrian-based high-tech SME company is working on AI-based test equipment for batteries, Photonics, and IoT. We have competencies & expertise in the Development & production of electronic products, Hardware and software development Battery and charging technology, and Industrial electronics. We have a strong team of PE, FPGA, SW, and FW engineers. Areas of interest are power electronics,Big Data, digital twins, AI, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, digitisation, Smart Transportation, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security. We have a wide experience participating in joint projects.

Expertise key words:A7 Energy efficiency (of networks)B10 Smart City related services and applicationsB8 IoT related servicesC8 Artificial IntelligenceD4 Internet of Things, including Sensors and WearablesG6 Electronics & appliancesG7 Smart sensorsJ1 BatteriesJ2 Fueling/charging infrastructureK1 IoTK2 Artificial Intelligence

RF & mm-Wave radio IC design, Wireless transceivers and PLLs, AESA/beamforming chips for 5/6G, SATCOM, and RADAR

Name: Panagiotis Kassanos
Company Name: Akronic P.C.

Expertise offered:
Akronic is a fabless semiconductor company providing cutting-edge silicon solutions and design services for wireless transceivers, RADAR sensors and antenna beamforming systems. Our strength is in analog, mixed-signal, RF/mmWave integrated circuit design in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies for transceivers, up/down converters, phase locked loops, Active Electronic Steering Antennas (AESA), phased array/beamforming systems, for for 5/6G, SATCOM and RADAR. We have delivered highly integrated microelectronics extending from prototyping to production turnkey solutions, enabling the translation of ideas into working silicon realities.

Expertise key words:A1 Networks Elements and InfrastructuresA2 Mobile / WirelessG6 Electronics & appliances

Mobile Private Network design O-RAN and Wi-Fi

Name: Mike Dimelow
Company Name: Zeetta Networks Ltd

Expertise offered:
Network engineering expertise to design, dimension, evaluate and select vendors, blueprint design, deploy and commission equipment for both Wi-Fi and 4G/5G cellular technologies.


Cires21 Video Streaming solutions. Empowering Mission-Critical Video Environments

Name: Juan Casal
Company Name: Cires21

Expertise offered:
Cires21 is currently making a big investment to increase its R&D capacity, complementing the R&D development team with new AI engineers. With extensinve experience in own R&D projects, we have recently made a big effort to empower our R&D team to fasten the development and adoption of new features that the video world is now demanding. Among our R&D interests we can cite: - Everything related to live OTT video streaming services. - FAST channels - Realtime/non-realtime Audio transcription, synchonization and translation through AI - Realtime/non-realtime Computer Vision: Object Detection, gesture recognition,..., context generation - Generative AI - Low latency[...]


Project Manager, Research Collaboration at F-Secure Corporation

Name: Tuuli Lindroos
Company Name: F-Secure Corporation

Expertise offered:
F-Secure is a Finnish and globally operating cybersecurity company. F-Secure designs and offers award-winning security and privacy products and services that help tens of millions of consumers to protect themselves against online threats. F-Secure’s offering includes a comprehensive range of cyber security products and services related to endpoint security, privacy protection, password management and digital identity protection, and router security that protects consumers' entire connected home and has 17 million subscribers across all channels. The majority of F-Secure revenue come from selling products and services through its extensive and global Channel Partner network, including approximately 200 Channel Partners. Channel Partners[...]

Expertise key words:A13 Network Security / PrivacyB11 Smart home related services and applicationsB21 Societal ImprovementB7 Security, Privacy related servicesB8 IoT related servicesC4 Security/ safety, trust and identityC8 Artificial IntelligenceE2 Digital / Smart HomeK1 IoTK2 Artificial Intelligence

He has focused on research & development for smart mobility, smart city, and software technologies as a principal researcher since 1998. He has been involved in building consortium for EUREKA projects between Korea and European countries since 2014.

Name: Oh-Cheon KWON
Company Name: ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

Expertise offered:
He had been dispatched to KIC(Korea Innovation Center)-Europe in Brussels from 2014 to 2018 to build joint research projects and to promote technology commercialization between Korea and European countries. His research interests include smart mobility, smart city/transport, IoT, AI/Deep Learning, ITS/telematics, u-Health, and component-based development (CBD).


Actionable Insights for Communication Industry with Data Driven Solutions

Name: Moisés Bismarck Medina De León
Company Name: MoiLeon

Expertise offered:
MoiLeon As a market research service provider in the Information and communications technology (ICT) sector, we offer comprehensive analysis and insights on market trends, consumer analysis, and competitive landscape to help organizations make informed business decisions.

Expertise key words:A1 Networks Elements and InfrastructuresB2 Data ServicesB8 IoT related services

Comdata Turkey as an R&D center, we develop with Python, .Net 6 and Core and Java programming languages. We use technologies such as .net 6, blazor, MVC, C# PostgreSQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, Mysql on scalable systems such as docker and kubernetes.

Name: Furkan Taha Nurdağ

Expertise offered:
Comdata Turkey provides products and services to its customers using the most up-to-date technologies. Comdata, which started its R&D studies as of January 2020, completed 8 different projects, conveyed these products in 6 conferences, and published 2 articles. The R&D center, which has more than 50 employees, continues to develop innovative products with 2 different universities. In this context, an innovative product can be produced together with the stakeholder and R&D center employees. Since we have a wide range of customers, our sales side is quite strong. Besides that, we have experience with finance, automotive, insurance, logistics, and more sectors.[...]

Expertise key words:B1 Voice ServicesB12 Smart enterprise / transport related services and applicationsB16 eLearning / digital school related services and applicationsB20 Business related services and applications (incl. ePayment)B6 Cloud ServicesC8 Artificial IntelligenceD3 Cloud-related
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