Compute Continuum (edge, cloud) Robotic Applications

Compute Continuum (edge, cloud) Robotic Applications

Expertise Short Title
Compute Continuum (edge, cloud) Robotic Applications
Expertise offered

he DSY group at ZHAW is specialized in cloud robotics leveraging compute on robots/edge/cloud to build AI-enabled robotic applications.
Our team has successfully integrated AI and robotics in several applied domains with cloud-specific tech (e.g., K8S).
Some examples
We can contribute use cases in the emergency, precision agriculture, and generic mobile manipulation domains.
We are based in Zurich.

Expertise key words
  • A11 Autonomic / Open Networks / Ad-hoc Networks
  • B22 Disaster recovery, safety
  • B23 Future end-to-end services
  • B4 Audio/ Video Services (incl. image processing)
  • C1 Future Service Platforms
  • D3 Cloud-related
  • D4 Internet of Things, including Sensors and Wearables
  • K1 IoT
  • K2 Artificial Intelligence


Name: Giovanni Toffetti
Company: ZHAW
Type of Organisation: University
Country: Switzerland

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