A deep tech company to be a partner in project calss supporting the project in artificial intelligence, deep learning, generative AI, computer engineering by leveraging expertise gained in AI in Healthcare applications.
A deep tech company to be a partner in project calss supporting the project in artificial intelligence, deep learning, generative AI, computer engineering by leveraging expertise gained in AI in Healthcare applications.
Thanks to our business network and staff consisting of researchers and professional consultants with extensive experience in Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Deep Learning, Engineering, we have a strong infrastructure in the field of data labeling, image processing, data science and digital solutions development.
- B2 Data Services
- G6 Electronics & appliances
- K2 Artificial Intelligence
Name: Burcu Bektas GunesCompany: DATASURGERY Software and Consulting Inc.
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Turkey
Web: https://www.datasurgery.com.tr/
Brief description of my Organisation
My company DATASURGERY is an SME, which was established to produce new generation technologies that reduce the difference in interpretation and evaluation time between physicians, increase diagnosis/diagnosis success with high sensitivity and accuracy, and improve the quality of life of patients, is working on artificial intelligence-based clinical decision support solutions in the field of radiology. It operates within the framework of ISO 27001 Information Security Management System, ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management System, ISO 27701 Personal Data Management System and ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and conducts its R&D and innovation studies based in Istanbul. Thanks to its business network and staff consisting of researchers and professional consultants with extensive experience in Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, it has a strong infrastructure in the field of data labeling, data management, image processing and digital solutions development.