6G Network Test Management

6G Network Test Management

Expertise Short Title
6G Network Test Management
Expertise offered

VIAVI Solutions is a global leader in communications test and measurement and optical technologies.
VIAVI enables innovation in industries ranging from communication networks, hyperscale and enterprise data centers to consumer electronics and mission-critical avionics, transportation, aerospace and anti-counterfeiting systems.

VIAVI aims to engage in the development of Use Cases, solutions and standardisation activities in 6G technologies.
By collaborating with industry stakeholders, VIAVI seeks to advance innovation in various technology areas such as NTN, Digital Twin, AI in RAN, Neural Networks, JCAS, Security etc.

Expertise key words


Name: Jyoti Bhasin
Company: VIAVI
Type of Organisation: Industry
Country: United Kingdom
Web: https://www.viavisolutions.com/

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