5G and Beyond PHYSICAL and MAC Layers including DU and RU in SUB 6GHz and mmWaves

5G and Beyond PHYSICAL and MAC Layers including DU and RU in SUB 6GHz and mmWaves

Expertise Short Title
5G and Beyond PHYSICAL and MAC Layers including DU and RU in SUB 6GHz and mmWaves
Expertise offered

RunEL offers 5G Base Station expertise especially in Layer 1 (PHY) and Layer 2 MAC. RunEL can deliver RU and DU with ORAN Interface at sub 6GHz and millimeter waves

Expertise key words


Name: Israel Koffman
Company: RunEL
Type of Organisation: SME
Country: Israel
Web: https://www.runel.net/
Telephone: 0545303110

Brief description of my Organisation

RunEL is an Israeli startup founded in 2015 , considered a center of excellence in OFDMA technology, participated in 4 Horizon 2020 consortiums ( IoRL, 5Gensis, Affordable 5G and 6G Brains) and 2 Israel Innovation Authority Consortiums ( Heron and WIN)

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