Launch Event of the CELTIC-NEXT Autumn Call 2024


CELTIC-NEXT is pleased to announce that we will organiseΒ an online Launch EventΒ on Tuesday 23 July 2024 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am CEST for the Autumn Call 2024!

This Launch Event will be an excellent place to meet the CELTIC-NEXT Office and learn about the programme’s success and the next opportunities!

As usual, this bottom-up call is the occasion to enable projectsΒ in the field of next-generation communications for the digital societyΒ that contribute to a sustainable world. By applying and participating in the CELTIC-NEXT Call, your organisation can accessΒ national public fundingΒ for your R&D project.

The first steps to prepare your proposal will be explained, such as creating aΒ Proposal Portal accountΒ and using theΒ Brokerage ToolΒ to find partners and share ideas.


Introduction to EUREKA and CELTIC-NEXT
CELTIC-NEXT SRIA & Topics of Interest
10:00Practical Guidance
The CELTIC-NEXT Brokerage Tool
Proposal preparation and submission process
10:30Questions and Answers Session
(Please use the chat to raise your questions)
11:00CELTIC-NEXT Proposers' Brokerage Day announcement
Close of session

Autumn Call 2024 Key Dates

Opening 1 July 2024
Online Launch Event 23 July 2024
Proposers Brokerage Day (in-person) September 2024 (TBD)
Deadline for Proposals 21 October 2024
Labels Notifications 5 December 2024
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