CELTIC Online Proposers Day – 23rd of September 2021

CELTIC-NEXT is pleased to announce this Online Proposers Day in September to foster new project ideas for the upcoming Autumn Call. The next Call for Project Proposals is open until 22nd of November 2021. The goal of this Call is to expand knowledge, boost visibility and promote cooperative efforts for innovative results. Presentations: Welcome and […]

CELTIC AI-NET Kick-Off Event

New Flagship-project AI-NET for Accelerating Digital Transformation in Europe with Intelligent Network Automation Digital transformation is ongoing in many areas of today’s society, which will impact many aspects of people’s lives via means such as smart cities, robotic, transportation, and next-generation industries. At the same time, the current centralized cloud infrastructure is not adequate to […]

CELTIC Online Proposers Day – 23rd of February 2021

CELTIC-NEXT has been pleased to announce this Online Proposers Day in February to foster new project ideas for the upcoming CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call. The next Call for Project Proposals is open until 12th of April. The goal of this Call is to expand knowledge, boost visibility and promote cooperative efforts for innovative results. Please have […]

CELTIC-NEXT DAY, 2 December 2020

The CELTIC-NEXT DAY on the 2nd of December counted with the keynote on Smart Sustainable Systems for a Green World and the 2020 CELTIC Awards announcement. Public Funding Information updates from several Country representatives were announced, and new proposal pitches for the next call were presented. The goal of CELTIC-NEXT calls is to expand knowledge, […]

CELTIC Eurogia Proposers Days – 15th & 16th of September 2020

Free Registration, register now Save the Proposers Day in my calendar CELTIC and Eurogia are pleased to announce this Online Proposers Day in September to bring together both Eureka Cluster communities. The next Call for Project Proposals is open until 19th of October, this is a perfect opportunity to respond better to current trends that […]

CELTIC at 5G Test Network Finland

  The goal of the event is to share information about key results related to 5G evolution based solutions for vertical industries and tell about 5GTNF utilization possibilities. 5G Test Network Finland is ecosystem for 5G and beyond technology and service development. It includes state-of-the-art technologies and support development of vertical trials in their real […]

CELTIC AI Proposers Webinar, 31 March 2020, 14:00-17:00 CET

The 4th CELTIC online Proposers Webinar was held on 31 March 2020. This webinar focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) proposals.   Agenda: 14:00-14:15: Welcome and introduction to CELTIC-NEXT, by Valérie Blavette, CELTIC Chairperson 14:15-14:40: Keynote presentation: “AI and Quantum Optimization at DT”, by Oliver Holschke, Strategic R&D Projects at Deutsche Telekom 14:40- 15:10: Introduction to […]

CELTIC EUROGIA Proposers Day at Nokia premises in Madrid

Calle de María Tubau, 9, 28050 Madrid, Spain Calle de María Tubau, 9, Madrid, Spain

CELTIC and EUROGIA are pleased to announce the joint call that closes on March 30th 2020. This is a perfect opportunity to respond better to current trends that require a cross-cutting approach. The goal of the joint call is to expand knowledge, boost visibility and promote cooperative efforts for innovative results. The aim of the […]

CELTIC Online Proposers Day – 10th of December 2019

Stay informed about CELTIC-NEXT High interest in the CELTICs 3rd Online Pitching Session for the upcoming CELTIC Spring Call 2020 (open until 30th of March) - The Online Proposers Day was highly appriciated by the 150 registered persons! The goal of the Proposers Day was to provide information about CELTIC-NEXT and to exchange new project […]

Proposers Day in Istanbul, 25 September 2019

Istanbul Technical University Koru Yolu ARl 3 Binası, İTÜ Ayazağa Kampüsü 204/B, Sarıyer/İstanbul, Turkey

Stay informed about CELTIC-NEXT Discuss your project ideas with potential partners and find out about funding opportunities in your countries at our CELTIC-NEXT Proposers Day in Istanbul on 25 September 2019. You are welcome to make a pitch presentation. Please note that the presentation file(s) must be emailed by today, 23 September 2019, to event@celticnext.eu […]

CELTIC Innovate UK Summer Briefing, 20th of August in London

Prince Philip House 3 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5DG, United Kingdom

Learn about funding opportunities from Innovate UK at the EUREKA CELTIC Cluster event on 20th August 2019 in London, and discuss your project ideas with potential partners CELTIC, part of the EUREKA intergovernmental network, is a telecommunications industry-led initiative promoting collaborative research and innovation, supported by public authorities. CELTIC-NEXT, which deals with future networks, follows […]

CELTIC Event co-located with EUCNC, 19-20 June in Valencia, Spain

Palacio de Congresos de Valencia Avinguda de les Corts Valencianes, 60, València, Spain

    Stay informed about CELTIC-NEXT CELTIC Event 2019 took place on 19-20th of June and was colocated with EuCNC and the global 5G Event in Valencia, Spain. EuCNC is one of the most prominent communications and networking conferences in Europe, which efficiently brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses. EuCNC attracts more […]


Victoria Warehouse Trafford Wharf Rd, Stretford, Manchester, United Kingdom

This is the flagship event of EUREKA – a network of public innovation agencies that funds and supports businesses carrying out close-to-market R&D and innovation – and the event is open to domestic (UK) and International businesses and policy makers. If you are an innovation-driven business looking for scale-up success, or a policy maker looking […]

SENDATE Closing Event in Kista, Sweden

Ericsson Headquarters Torshamnsgatan 21, Kista, Sweden

  The flagship project for secure networking of data centers in Europe Today, large data centers are the most important hubs of the Internet. They have a huge computing power and are located far away from the customer. This leads to low flexibility, high traffic in the network, long delays and security concerns. The consequences […]

Proposers Day in London, 5 February 2019

Institute of Contemporary Arts Pall Mall, St. James's, London, United Kingdom

  CELTIC held its Proposers Day on 5th of February in London with participants from Austria, Finland, France, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. CELTIC-NEXT Proposers Days are discussion fora for organisations related to telecommunications that are interested to participate in a research project and want to benefit from performing collaborative research through the EUREKA Cluster CELTIC-NEXT. […]

EUREKA/CELTIC 5G Workshop in London on 10th of December

Business Design Centre 70 Liverpool Rd London N1 0RQ, United Kingdom

A new competition to stimulate and support UK organisations. Celtic-Next is the latest programme of the EUREKA Cluster which focuses on ICT and telecommunication. EUREKA is an intergovernmental network which promotes R&D and innovation. Innovate UK will be investing in the CELTIC-NEXT programme in the form of collaborative R&D grants through a yet-to-be-announced competition. The […]

CELTIC Online Project Idea Pitching

CELTIC held its 2nd Online Pitching Session with participants from Korea and Canada that joined the European ICT Community on 29th of November 2018. The webinar started with an introduction on the follow-up cluster CELTIC-NEXT to explain the future strategic directions of the cluster to the audience.  Proposers from Canada, France, Finland, Spain and Turkey […]

Proposers Day in Madrid, 26 September 2018

CDTI, Madrid 4 CID St., Madrid, Spain

  Discuss your project ideas with potential partners and find out about funding opportunities in your countries at our next CELTIC-NEXT Proposers Day in Madrid on 26 September 2018. CELTIC-NEXT Proposers Days are discussion fora for organisations related to telecommunications that are interested to participate in a CELTIC-NEXT project and want to benefit from performing […]

Online Project Idea Pitching

 First CELTIC Online Proposers Day This new format of Online Proposers Days were well received by the participating audience as discussion fora for organisations related to telecommunications that are interested to participate in a CELTIC project and want to benefit from performing collaborative research through the EUREKA Cluster CELTIC. Agenda: Welcome to CELTIC-NEXT and how […]

CELTIC-NEXT Event 2018, 24 May in Helsinki, Finland

Finlandia Hall, Mannerheimintie 13, 00100 Helsinki Mannerheimintie 13, Helsinki, Finland

22-24 May: See the CELTIC-NEXT Exhibition and discuss Results of about 15  commercially important CELTIC-NEXT projects will be presented in an exhibition taking place from 22 May-24 May at the EUREKA Innovation Days 2018 in Helsinki. The prototypes evolving from these projects will allow the visitors to experience in an interactive and playful way the […]

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