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CELTIC AI-NET Kick-Off Event

June 1, 2021@9:00 am - 1:00 pm CEST

New Flagship-project AI-NET for Accelerating Digital Transformation in Europe with Intelligent Network Automation

Digital transformation is ongoing in many areas of today’s society, which will impact many aspects of people’s lives via means such as smart cities, robotic, transportation, and next-generation industries. At the same time, the current centralized cloud infrastructure is not adequate to serve the transformation’s requirements. We believe that three technologies can come together to shape a new secure service and application platform; 5G, edge-centric compute & artificial intelligence. In this context, European industry has a good position in 5G networks, transportation and industrial applications, but need to strengthen the position in a secure cloud, data centre and artificial intelligence technologies to be at the front of the development. The primary objective of the AI-NET project is to provide enablers and solutions for high-performance services deployed and operated at the network edge. To manage complexity, we need to take advantage of artificial intelligence to complement traditional optimisation algorithms.

The Kick-Off Event of this important European Flagship Project will take place on 1st of June 2021 as an online event. Participants will include high level representatives from industry and public funding organisations. The focus on this event will be on how AI-NET will contribute to achieving the important goal of accelerating the digital transformation in Europe with intelligent network automation.

The project consortium will present their ambitions and show how European enterprises, critical infrastructure and data centres will be connected through enhanced transport networks and improved networking concepts that will results in reinforced overall security. This project targets a European solution for better control of data flows and new security concepts in the Internet.

AI-NET is a 80 million euro public-private partnership project comprising three sub-projects with 90 companies, research organisations, and universities from Germany, Sweden, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Poland. The AI-NET project is running under CELTIC-NEXT, the EUREKA Cluster for Next Generation Communications for a secured, trusted, and sustainable digital society, and is partly publicly funded by the research ministries/ agencies BMBF (Germany), VINNOVA (Sweden), Business Finland (Finland), and Innovate UK (United Kingdom).


09.00-09:15 CEST

Opening by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schieferdecker
Director-General for Research for Digitalization and Innovation,
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany

09:15-10:00 CEST

Presentations of funding agencies and CELTIC-NEXT

Mrs. Darja Isaksson,
Director General at Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency

Mr. Heikki Uusi -Honko,
Head of International Networks, Head of EUREKA Office, Business Finland

Mr. Jari Lehmusvuori,
CELTIC-NEXT Vice Chair, Head of Department Nokia Bell Labs, Finland

10:00 – 10:30 CEST

Coffee Break 

10:30 – 11:30 CEST

Presentations of AI-NET sub-projects:

    Mr. Magnus Frodigh, Vice President & Head of Ericsson Research
    Dr. Christoph Glingener, Chief Technology Officer, ADVA Optical Networking
    Ms. Patricia Layec, Research Department Head, Nokia Bell-Labs

11:30 – 12:30 CEST

Panel Discussion on “Accelerating Digital Transformation in Europe with Intelligent Network Automation”

High level speakers from SME, vertical industries, research institutes and universities.

Dr. Mohsen Amiribesheli, Research Technology Manager, Konica Minolta Global R&D
Dr. Markus Ohlenforst, Managing Director, IconPro GmbH
Mr. Dominik Flick, Project Manager, Energy Performance Management, Stellantis / Opel Automobile GmbH
Dr. Timo Lehnigk-Emden, Managing Director, Creonic GmbH
Prof. Dr. Jan Juerjens, Director Research Projects, Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering


Project information
AI-NET project web-site on the CELTIC-NEXT web

Contact AI-NET project

Achim Autenrieth
Director Advanced Technology

ADVA Optical Networking SE
Fraunhoferstrasse 9a
82152 Martinsried/Munich
Phone: +49 89 89 06 65 615
Mobile: +49 175 4365 615

Contact CELTIC Office: office@celticnext.eu


June 1, 2021
9:00 am - 1:00 pm CEST
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