Contact Details Dr Michael Walch
Eureka NCP
FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1 – 1090 VIENNA, Austria
Tel. +43 5 77 55 – 4901
mobile: +43 664 88388466
web: www.ffg.atMrs Marie-Katharine Traunfellner
Eureka Deputy NCP
FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1 – 1090 VIENNA, Austria
Tel. +43 5 77 55 – 4705
Estimated Envelope / Percentage of funding National programmes and calls are open for Austrian partners in EUREKA and EUREKA cluster projects including CELTIC, although there is no dedicated budget line.
Funding situation/ Application rules For actual calls and information visit or FFG-CELTIC and contact the Public Authority.
National Funding Information Find here the last funding situation and research focus made for the CELTIC Autumn Call 2023 during our Proposers Brokerage Day for Austria by Mr Michael Walch, FFG: Video – Slides


Contact Details Dr Michael Walch
Eureka NCP
FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1 – 1090 VIENNA, Austria
Tel. +43 5 77 55 – 4901
mobile: +43 664 88388466
web: www.ffg.atMrs Marie-Katharine Traunfellner
Eureka Deputy NCP
FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1 – 1090 VIENNA, Austria
Tel. +43 5 77 55 – 4705
Estimated Envelope / Percentage of funding National programmes and calls are open for Austrian partners in EUREKA and EUREKA cluster projects including CELTIC, although there is no dedicated budget line.
Funding situation/ Application rules For actual calls and information visit or FFG-CELTIC and contact the Public Authority.
National Funding Information Find here the last funding situation and research focus made for the CELTIC Autumn Call 2023 during our Proposers Brokerage Day for Austria by Mr Michael Walch, FFG: Video – Slides




Dr Michael Walch
Eureka NCP
FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1 – 1090 VIENNA, Austria
Tel. +43 5 77 55 – 4901
mobile: +43 664 88388466

Mrs Marie-Katharine Traunfellner
Eureka Deputy NCP
FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1 – 1090 VIENNA, Austria
Tel. +43 5 77 55 – 4705

National Funding Information
Find here the last funding situation and research focus made for the CELTIC Autumn Call 2023 during our Proposers Brokerage Day for Austria by Mr Michael Walch, FFG: Video – Slides

Estimated Envelope / Percentage of funding
National programmes and calls are open for Austrian partners in EUREKA and EUREKA cluster projects including CELTIC, although there is no dedicated budget line.

Funding situation/ Application rules
For actual calls and information visit or FFG-CELTIC and contact the Public Authority.

Formalities to be fulfilled
Specific rules come along with the published programmes, announcements and calls.

For contact information and funding details about national public funding of CELTIC projects, please select your country of interest. Please note that some country inquiries will be forwarded to the official EUREKA information page.

By hovering over the countries, you can see the coordinates.  If you use the scroll mouse on the map, it will zoom in to show you the smaller countries. Finally, if you want to copy-paste details and get additional funding information, left-click on the country interested in.

  Full membership: Permanent membership open to countries recognized by the United Nations located inside geographical Europe.

  Associated & Partner: For any country recognised by the United Nations located outside of geographical Europe.

    • Associated membership lasts for four years and is renewed based on active participation in our programmes.
    • Partner membership is permanent membership for associated countries who, after two four-year periods of active participation, wish to commit to Eureka.

  Non-Eureka country

  Cooperation on-hold 

Please select the interested country from the list below

General aspects and information with regard to public funding of CELTIC projects

Similar to projects that are EU-funded or funded on national basis only a portion of the overall costs will be covered by the public funding. This portion depends on the national funding rules of the partners involved in a particular project.
This means that still the major part must be covered by the involved partners. This approach assures that there must be a potential business and research interest for the participants and their interest to work in a project cannot only be based on the fact that this work is paid by public money.

For a CELTIC project, generally, the same funding conditions and funding rules apply as for a stand-alone EUREKA project. As CELTIC is an endorsed EUREKA cluster the access to public funding is generally easier and faster as for an independent proposal as the Public Authorities support the collaborative work programme of CELTIC and are more closely involved in providing the funding for proposals that have been CELTIC-labelled.

Differently to the funding rules of a EU project (e.g. Horizon 2020) there are no common funds available that are shared among the successful proposals.

Due to the fact that each country decides on own criteria on possible funding it can happen that a project may not be able to start if one partner will not be funded. In those cases, provided such partner will not consider self-funding, a project may either be restructured (e.g. by including another partner) or may be stopped.

The following considerations and actions should be followed when starting a new proposal and setting-up project consortia:

Check with the concerned National Contact Points (Public Authorities) about the availability and conditions of public funding. The table at the CELTIC web site may help as first overview and to establish first contacts with the concerned Public Authorities. Please be aware that this information may not always be correct or up-to-date.
In some EUREKA countries there are special conditions for funding of universities, research institutes, SMEs, and industries. To avoid rejection at a later stage those conditions need to be checked at an early stage.
The funding rates are also different from country to country. For setting-up some reliable budget figures those rates should be checked.
In a number of EUREKA countries there are additional requirements to apply for public funding. For instance it may be necessary to reply, in addition, to a national Call and/or to submit your proposal in your national language. There are also important deadlines to be observed until when funding applications have to be submitted. In some cases those deadlines are already very early in the year and do not match with the CELTIC deadlines. For those cases it may be necessary to submit a funding application even before a CELTIC Label has been granted
If a partner from a non-EUREKA country is involved in a proposal it should be checked if this partner may receive national funding or if he may work in a project without funding. Please note that some additional considerations in case of non-EUREKA countries should be observed to avoid that such a partner may not be accepted by EUREKA rules (e.g. if such partners will have a leading or dominant role in a project).

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