
Find all Open Calls timelines here:

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The CELTIC Autumn Call 2024 will open soon.

Autumn Call 2024

Opening 1 July 2024
Launch Event 23 July 2024
Proposers Brokerage Day September 2024 (TBD)
Deadline for Proposals 21 October 2024
Labels Notifications 5 December 2024

Submissions for the CELTIC-NEXT Spring Call 2024 are now closed.




Spring Call 2024

Opening 13 November 2023
Online Launch Event 13 February 2023
Proposers Brokerage Day 13 March 2023
Deadline for Proposals 03 May 2024
Labels Notifications 19-25 June 2024

CELTIC-NEXT opens two Bottom-up calls for project proposals per year, in Spring and in Autumn, you can have a look at our running projects and past calls below:

Running Projects

Past Calls


Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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