The CELTIC Core Group consists of currently 19 members from 10 countries. Members of the Core Group are mainly from the European telecoms industry. The Core Group is responsible for the general policy of CELTIC and its research activities. Many project proposals are driven by Core Group members.


Adtran Networks SE Jörg-Peter Elbers
British Telecom, UK Graham Reeve
Deutsche Telekom, Germany Riccardo Pascotto
ERI_UF_cmyk Ericsson, Sweden Anders Caspar
Eurescom, Germany David Kennedy
imec imec, Belgium Stefan Van Baelen belgium-smallflag
Indra Group, Spain Antonio Cuadra Sánchez
Elisa Gayol Cuervo
Italtel S.p.A., Italy Paolo Secondo Crosta
  NETAS, Turkey Rıza Durucasugil  
Nokia, Finland Jari Lehmusvuori
Olivier Audouin
Orange-Labs, France Valerie Blavette
RAD Data Communications, Israel Sharon Rozov
SES S.A., Luxembourg Konstantinos Liolis
Telefonica-Logo-blau-72dpi Telefónica I+D, Spain Luis Ignacio Vicente
Telenor, Norway Patrick Waldemar
Thales, France Sylvie Raynaud
Turkcell, Turkey Isil Ozkan
Emin Selcuk
Türk Telekom, Turkey Mustafa Ergen
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