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Eurescom message is a European ICT magazine focusing on research, development and innovation in the communications sector. The magazine is published two times a year and has a circulation of 2,400 copies.


Issue: 1/2024

CELTIC News 1/2024

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: What’s next for CELTIC-NEXT?
  • Events: CELTIC-NEXT Events in a nutshell
  • Autumn Call 2024: How to submit a high-quality proposal


Issue: 1/2022

CELTIC News 1/2022

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: The new improved Eureka Clusters Programme Eureka
  • The Eureka CELTIC – ESA Space-ICT Programme
  • Project Highlights: Health5G – Healthcare Transforming with 5G Wireless Tech

Issue: 2/2021

CELTIC News 2/2021

In this Edition:

  • Public Authority Profile: The Portuguese National Innovation Agency
  • Eureka: Interview with Eureka chairman Miguel Bello Mora
  • Project Highlights: CyberWi – Cyber-Security in the Wireless Industrial use case

Issue: 1/2021

CELTIC News 1/2021

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: The Eureka Clusters Programme
  • Events: AI-NET Kick-Off Event
  • Public Authority Profile: Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology – CDTI

Issue: 2/2020

CELTIC News 2/2020

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: How Eureka Clusters keep reinventing themselves
  • Public Authority Profile: Austrian Research Promotion Agency – FFG
  • Eureka: Interview with Eureka Chairman Ulrich Schuh

Issue: 1/2020

CELTIC News 1/2020

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: Let’s invent together a smarter and safer world
  • Project Highlights: ReICOvAir – Reliable Industrial Communication – Over the Air
  • Startup Success Stories: CELTIC results used by medVC to fight COVID-19

Issue: 2/2019

CELTIC News 2/2019

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: Ready for change
  • Events: CELTIC Event in Valencia
  • Project Highlights: Universal Critical Infrastructures

Issue: 1/2019

CELTIC News 1/2019

In this Edition:

  • CELTIC Chair’s Corner: How CELTIC is changing to support Europe’s competitiveness
  • Events: Closing event of CELTIC flagship project SENDATE
  • View from a Public Authority: Innovate UK funding scheme for CELTIC projects
  • Start-up Success Stories: Better access to telemedicine for the elderly – Smart Health TV Solution

In this Edition:

  • Vice-chair’s Corner: CELTIC-NEXT – The next big thing after Celtic-Plus
  • Events: Celtic-Plus Event in Helsinki
  • Project Highlights: standards developed by 3 Celtic-Plus projects
  • Start-up Success Stories: SASER project spinoff aXenic

Issue: December 2017

Celtic Newsletter 2/2017

In this Edition:

  • Chairman’s Corner: The future of Celtic-Plus
  • Events: SENDATE Mid-Term Event in Paris
  • Project Highlights: UPSC – Unleash the Power of SIM Card

Issue: June 2017

Celtic Newsletter 1/2017

In this Edition:

  • Celtic-Plus Event in Barcelona
  • Start-up Stories: Cumucore and 2operate
  • E3 project – First live retransmission of awake brain surgery

Issue: December 2016

Celtic Newsletter 2/2016

In this Edition:

  • More secure data centres in Europe – SENDATE kick-off event
  • SIGMONA – Software Defi ned Mobile Networks
  • How Sweden manages the Celtic-Plus project process

Issue: June 2016

Celtic Newsletter 1/2016

In this Edition:

  • HFCC/ – Hybrid Fibre-Copper Connectivity using
  • Business impact and networking – Celtic-Plus Event in Stockholm
  • SASER – Safe and Secure European Routing

Issue: November 2015

Celtic Newsletter 2/2015

In this Edition:

  • World record transmission field trial – Celtic-Plus Flagship Project SASER-Siegfried
  • How to incubate project ideas – Celtic-Plus Proposers Day in Antwerp
  • How France fosters international cooperation within Celtic-Plus

Issue: June 2015

Celtic Newsletter 1/2015

In this Edition:

  • The future of digital business – Celtic-Plus Event in Vienna
  • How Spain fosters international cooperation within Celtic-Plus
  • HFCC/ – Hybrid fibre-copper connectivity using technology

Issue: November 2014

Celtic Newsletter  2/2014

In this Edition:

  • HIPERMED: The high-performance low-cost telemedicine platform
  • SASER: Towards secure European telecommunication networks
  • Celtic-Plus opportunities for international cooperation in Germany

For earlier issues, please look in the Eurescom Mess@ge archive.

Please be informed that before 2014 the Celtic-Plus Newsletter was part of the Eurescom Mess@ge.

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