Introduction to CELTIC-NEXT by Xavier Priem, CELTIC Office Director


  • The ICT Cluster under the umbrella of EUREKA
  • Focusing on Next-Generation Communications for the Digital Society
  • Open to any organisation ready to contribute to the industry-driven European ICT research programme
  • A community over 11500 private and public organisations, among prominent industry players, small & medium-sized enterprises and academic/research institutions
  • Active through project proposals to regular project calls, two calls per year, in Spring and Autumn; see our Call Calendar
  • Financed through public and private funding through transnational RD&I cooperation
  • A flexible and agile international organisation and leading modern areas


CELTIC-NEXT is the Eureka Cluster for next-generation communications for a secured, trusted, and sustainable digital society. CELTIC-NEXT stimulates and orchestrates international collaborative projects in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) domain. The CELTIC-NEXT programme includes a wide scope of ICT topics based on new high-performance communications networks supporting data-rich applications and advanced services, both in the ICT sector and across all vertical sectors. In the context of the Eureka Clusters Programme, CELTIC-NEXT has been authorized to operate further 4 years, starting 17th of June 2021 (MAP 2021-2025).
CELTIC-NEXT is an industry-driven initiative involving all the major ICT industry players and many SMEs, service providers, and research institutions. The CELTIC-NEXT activities are open to all organisations that share the CELTIC-NEXT vision of an inclusive digital society and are willing to collaborate to their benefit, aligned with their national priorities, to advance the development and uptake of advanced ICT solutions.

Benefits & Philosophy and Scope


CELTIC-NEXT gives project proposers almost limitless freedom regarding what research topic they can explore in their ICT research projects. The programme’s philosophy is to facilitate projects in a bottom-up way, thus offering projects the chance of both evolutionary and disruptive innovation in all relevant ICT areas without limiting their creativity and ambition.

It continues its bottom-up, industry-driven approach; includes large flagship projects with significant impacts; intensifies the promotion of activities for the new societal challenges and attracts new partners.

CELTIC-NEXT allows you to:

  • Perform collaborative join RD&I consortia and projects within Europe and beyond
  • Get public funding support, professional coaching and mentoring
  • Reach a high chance of getting your project approved and funded
  • Interconnect with SMEs and large industries in more than 45 countries
  • Have low administrative overhead and a flexible framework
  • Get high exploitation potential and business impact
  • Immerse yourself into a rich ecosystem by growing and collaborating beyond borders
  • Run your collaborative project via our Brokerage Tool
  • Foster and generate collaborative innovation by leading or being part of an industry-led project
  • Stimulate disruptive and sustainable ideas
  • Boost your competitiveness and accelerate your growth
  • Access new markets in a shortened time
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